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CERN concludes year of strong progress towards the LHC

Speaking at the 135th session of the CERN Council, the Director General, Robert Aymar, hailed a year of impressive progress towards the LHC project. 'In one year, we have made great progress,' he said. 'The challenge is not over, of course, but we have great confidence of maintaining the schedule for start-up in 2007.' >>

CNGS Reflector installed

A major component that will help target the CNGS neutrino beam for its 732km journey through the earth's crust, from CERN to the Gran Sasso laboratory in Italy, has been installed in its final position. >>

CERN theorist gets a Heineman

A CERN theorist is among the recipients of the American Physical Society's annual Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics. >>

UNESCO accolade for former DG

Former CERN Director General, Herwig Schopper, has been awarded the UNESCO Niels Bohr Gold Medal award. >>

Official News

Salary adjustments and other changes to the Staff Rules & Regulations  
Official holidays in 2006 and end-of-year closure 2006/2007  

Training and Development

Academic Training: The World of Quantum Matter  
Language training: French courses  
Technical Training: Places available  
Technical training seminar: Data Converters and Linear Products for Signal Processing and Control  

General Information

Décès - French version only  
To all members of personnel in receipt of remuneration from CERN  
Sorting waste - A question of good will  
Price increase  
Publication of the Bulletin in 2006  
Reminder concerning vaccinations prior to departure on duty travel  
To the attention of all dosimeter users  
Pen dosimeters  
For information: Geneva University