News Articles
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Issue No. 32/2006 - Monday 7 August 2006
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CERN Technical Training 2006: ANSYS Course Sessions (August-September 2006)
If you wish to participate in one of the following courses, please tell to your supervisor and apply electronically from the course description pages that can be found on the Web at: http://www.
Technical Training: Places available
Places available as of 25.7.2006 (August-December course sessions)
Communication & Management
Calendar of courses for September to December 2006
News Articles
It's cosmic show(er) time for CMS
A word from the DG: The European strategy for particle physics
Who is the 100000th 'Cernois'?
Python : the holy grail of programming
Bon voyage to the hadronic calorimeter
Official News
New EDH declaration form concerning dependent children aged 18 to 25
General Information
Reduction in the number of editions of the electronic Bulletin in August
Motorway closure near the airport for two nights
Waste disposal
Radioactive sources service
Information from the Dosimetry Service
Summer Student Programme
Rules concerning the use of scaffolding