Information from the HR Department for members of the personnel residing in FRANCE

Tax assessment notice sent by the French Tax Centre

Members of the personnel residing in France have received (or are about to receive) a document issued by their local Centre des Impôts (CDI) entitled «Avis d’impôt – IMPÔT SUR LES REVENUS DE 2006». The document states in particular that: «La déclaration que vous avez déposée ne comporte aucun revenu pour l’année 2006. Je vous informe que le présent avis ne constitue pas un justificatif d’absence de tout revenu. Vous avez perçu des revenus en provenance d’organismes internationaux, de missions diplomatiques ou consulaires exonérés d’impôt en France. Indiquez-les au bas de cet avis» [1]

This document must not be returned to your CDI. However, you must keep it as the French authorities may ask you to produce it as evidence of your tax position in France.

Further information may be obtained directly from your CDI.

[1] CERN translation, for information only: "The declaration form you have filed indicates no income for 2006. Please note that this "avis d’impôt" does not constitute substantiation of the absence of any income. You have been in receipt of income from international organisations or diplomatic or consular missions that is exempt from taxation in France. Indicate this income at the bottom of this "avis d’impôt"."

by HR Department