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New code of conduct

During his talk to the staff at the beginning of the year, the Director-General mentioned that a new code of conduct was being drawn up. What exactly is it and what is its purpose? Anne-Sylvie Catherin, Head of the Human Resources (HR) Department, talked to us about the whys and wherefores of the project. >>

Better in the long run

Last week, the Chamonix workshop once again proved its worth as a place where all the stakeholders in the LHC can come together, take difficult decisions and reach a consensus on important issues for the future of particle physics. >>

Towards the longest run in CERN’s history

Following the decisions taken at the Chamonix meeting, the teams are preparing the LHC to run at collision energies of 7 TeV during the coming 18-24 months. The consolidation of the nQPS connectors has been successfully completed and the magnet powering at high current has begun. >>

A single chip with multiple talents

The Medipix chips developed at CERN are being used in a variety of fields: from medicine to education and back to high-tech engineering. The scene is set for a bright future for this versatile technology. >>

Equal opportunities in diversity

Promoting equal opportunities at CERN and advising the Director-General on all related matters is the task of the Equal Opportunities Officer, Doris Chromek-Burckhart, and Tim Smith, chair of the Equal Opportunities Advisory Panel. Changes are being introduced: in future, the focus of their work will be broadened to cover all aspects of diversity promotion. >>

50 years ago...

After completing her university studies in Italy, where it was not all that rare to come across female physicists, Maria Fidecaro arrived at CERN in 1956. Although men were certainly in the majority, they were all just colleagues and gender was irrelevant.    >>

Fruitful meeting

The annual meeting for the LHC Performance Workshop was held in Chamonix from 25 to 29 January 2010 in the Centre de Congrès Le Majestic. The Workshop focused on how to reach the maximum operating energy. >>

Big advance towards the LHC upgrade

The LHC is currently the world’s most powerful accelerator. With its technical achievements it has already set world records. However, big science looks very far ahead in time and is already preparing already for the LHC’s magnet upgrade, which should involve a 10-fold increase of the collision rates toward the end of the next decade. The new magnet technology involves the use of an advanced superconducting material that has just started to show its potential. >>

Scientists as seen by children—on canvas

Twenty primary classes from schools near CERN take part in “Draw me a physicist”.   >>

Video interview with Michael Dell

Michael Dell, founder and presently Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Office of the DELL computer company visited CERN on Tuesday 26th January 2010. The Bulletin and the Video productions team had the opportunity to meet him. The video interview is transcribed for your convenience. >>

ACFA and IPAC announce accelerator prizes

Steve Myers, CERN's Director for Accelerators and Technology. >>

The CinéGlobe film festival opens at CERN and the Forum Meyrin theatre

The second edition of CinéGlobe, the international festival of short films and science documentaries, will be held from 16 to 20 February 2010. >>

Official News

Standing Concertation Committee  
Pension payment dates in 2010  

Training and Development

CERN Technical training: available places in forthcoming courses  

General Information

CERN Shuttles - Enlarged Regular Shuttle Services as from 8/02/2010  
New types of subscriptions for CERN GSM  
Conference on the treatment of tinnitus and hyperacusis  
17th IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference – RT-2010  
News from the Fire Brigade  
French Customs  
Modification of Telecom Lab opening hours  

Staff Association

Resignation at the PFGB  
Open letter to President of CERN Council  
Chronology of a decision forever being postponed  
Latest news  
Nursery school  
Special offer for "Harmony" fitness centres  
Music club  
Concert Club  
Automobile Club CERN  
Yachting Club CERN  