The Digital Scientist to be launched in the New Year

If you've been on a stroll through Restaurant No. 1 or walked through the corridors of Building 600, a colourful poster - with spotlights, a QR code and the words “Coming soon...” - might have caught your attention. This has been brought to you by the team at iSGTW (International Science Grid This Week), the CERN-based grid computing newsletter, and signifies that the publication is being transformed... into The Digital Scientist.


Image courtesy of Andre-Pierre Olivier from e-ScienceTalk.

iSGTW has been successfully contributing to the international grid community and steadily growing in popularity and appeal, as shown by a readership drawn from nearly 200 countries that increased by 89% in under two and a half years. Now, the goal is to expand the coverage of the publication to include high-end technologies such as supercomputing, volunteer computing, distributed computing, networks and cloud computing, as well as grid computing. This change in the publication brings with it a new name: The Digital Scientist.

The launch of The Digital Scientist comes along with a major redesign and a brand-new website, boasting features carefully chosen to enhance the reader’s experience, as part of a complete relaunch in January 2011. The new publication will show how high-end computing resources go beyond the world of physical sciences, encompassing much of modern science, research and the public sphere.

The Digital Scientist will also introduce new interactive features, such as a facility for readers to comment on and rate stories, to share them with social media and other websites, and to take part in polls and surveys. In addition, readers will be able to create or host an existing blog and submit story ideas directly to the editors. The Digital Scientist will also provide the most relevant links to other computing news on the web.

Few, if any, websites provide a single source to learn about all forms of high-end computing. At The Digital Scientist, readers will find a one-stop-shop for all their computing news.

by The Digital Scientist Team