



Assemblée générale

Mardi 17 avril à 11 h 00 Salle du Conseil, Bât. 503   Conformément aux statuts de l’Association du personnel, une Assemblée générale ordinaire est organisée une fois par année (article IV. >>


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Micro Club

  Cher(e) membre, Vous êtes invité(e) à assister à la prochaine : ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE ORDINAIRE DU 29 MARS 2012 À 18 h 15 dans la salle de... >>

Record Club

  March  Selections By the time this appears, we will have added a number of new CDs and DVDs into the Club. >>

Yachting Club

  Sailing course lottery Potential learners still have a couple of days to sign up to the Lottery for places in this season’s sailing courses. >>

Dancing Club


Course d'Orientation

  Tous à vos boussoles, cap sur une nouvelle saison! Le Club d’Orientation du CERN, en partenariat avec d’autres clubs de la région, vous propose à nouveau une série de courses comptant pour la coupe genevoise. >>

Solar Club

  Le  CERN Solar Club tiendra son Assemblée Générale le Mercredi  4 avril, à 18h00 dans la salle C, bat. >>

Cine Club

  Thursday 22 March 2012 at 20:30 CERN Council Chamber (503-1-001) LIKE STARS ON EARTH directed by Aamir Khan (India, 2007)  165 min An eight year old boy is thought to be lazy and a troublemaker, until the new art teacher has the patience and compassion to discover the real problem behind his struggles in school. >>

Women's club

    CWC – Chinese Women's Community at CERN With an increasing number of Chinese people working at CERN, there are also surely an increasing number of Chinese women in the area, who are not always familiar with the environment, languages, or the people. >>






Le GAC organise chaque mois des permanences avec entretiens individuels. La prochaine permanence se tiendra le : >>



Concert de musique baroque

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News Articles

Conclusions from “Rencontres de Moriond QCD 2012”  
Rencontres de Moriond QCD 2012: Straight to the Top  
The LHC and its successors  
A growing family  
LHC Report: Beam on  
Getting to grips with antihydrogen  
CERN and ESA’s common roots to fly into space  
“I like to be useful, it’s just the way I am”: Interview with Cristoforo Benvenuti  
Sending servers to Morocco  
Physicists develop more powerful tools to combat cancer  
Crystals’ added value  
Access to life’s essentials: office and food  
Car sharing à la carte  
Diversity at CERN: is it sometimes a challenge?  
See you at the movies!  
A sM*A*S*Hing CERN visit  
On location at CERN  
At the service of cutting-edge research  
Don’t screw up your web  
Ombuds' corner: Management or leadership?  
News from the Library: Two new online services available at CERN: thank you for your feedback!  

Official News

Staff Rules and Regulations – modifications Nos. 6 and 7 to the 11th edition  

Training and Development

“Use of fire extinguishers”—a new course with a new simulator  
E-groups training  


Geneva University: Particle Acceleration in supernova remnants and its implications for the origin of galactic cosmic rays  
Geneva University: Observation of electron-antineutrino disappearance at Daya Bay  
Global INET 2012: Meeting at the Crossroads: Imagining the future Internet  


Attend the lecture of the first artist-scientist inspiration partners of the Collide@CERN programme  
Accelerator and Technical Sector Seminar