

An excellence of service thanks to adequat supervision ressources

At the meeting of the Tripartite Employment Conditions Forum (TREF) of 30th May, HR Department presented some key statistical data concerning CERN staff and, more particularly, its evolution since 2001. >>

Croquet Club

30th Anniversary! The Croquet Club was founded on 25th May 1982, playing on the lawn in front of restaurant no. >>

CERN Women's Club

offee Morning Tuesday 12th  June 2012, 12:30 >>

Orienteering Club

 Course d’orientation C’est sous un magnifique soleil que s’est tenue la 7e épreuve de la coupe genevoise organisée par le club d’orientation du CERN. >>


Thursday 14 June 2012 at 20:00 CERN Council Chamber The Killing Fields By Roland Joffe (UK, 1984) With: Sam Waterston, Haing S. >>


Have you ever heard about the Atomiades ? >>


SPECIAL OFFER FOR OUR MEMBERS Single tariff Adulte/Enfant Tickets “Zone terrestre” 20 euros instead of 25 euros. >>


Assemblée générale Interfon Le mardi 26 juin 2012 à 17 h 30 au siège social Technoparc - 60, rue Clément Ader - 01630 St-Genis-Pouilly Ordre du jour : Élection du président de séance. >>


It saddens us deeply to learn of the passing away of Jean-Paul Diss who died suddenly on 7 June 2012 at his home.  A tribute can be read on the GAC-EPA site. >>

News Articles

Straw detector: 1 - Vacuum: 0  
June’s festival of physics  
LHC Report: Full data production mode  
Detector recycling leads NA62 to new standards  
LEAR: a machine ahead of its time  
LEAR's physics legacy  
From 174 to 107  
Freeing up access to CERN technology  
Particle physics in your pocket!  
Highlights from e-EPS: Neutrino Oscillation / DPG President / Outreach Database  
Sustainable development and CERN’s role: Panel discussion at the Globe  
Quantum Diaries Blog: Is the moon full? Just ask the LHC operators  
“Clas-si-fied (/ˈklæsɪfaɪd/)” - What’s that?  
Ombud's corner: Sincere feedback favours efficiency  
News from the Library: Gordon Fraser presents his book, "Quantum Exodus"  

Official News

Next HR Department Public meeting  

Training and Development

Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme: Superconducting Magnets with HTS  
Summer Oral Expression English course  
Safety Training: places available in June  
Summer French courses for BEGINNERS (9 July to 23 August)  
Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme: Physics at the AD/PS/SPS  


Post office - on the Prévessin site  
How to reduce the number of accidents  


Light and collisions: Julius von Bismark presents an update on his work after his CERN Residency  
Lecture - Physical activity for health and weight loss?  
Geneva University: seminar of particle physics  
Conference: Diversity in the Workplace - How to Capitalise on Differences to Foster Innovation