CERN Accelerating science




For a strong international public service

The numerous international and European organizations based in Europe employ together many tens of thousands of international and European civil servants. >>

Open Letter from the GAC-EPA to the Chairman of the PFGB EPA

Following the publication by the Chairman of the Pension Fund Governing Board of  the Spring report of the Pension Fund in the CERN Bulletin issue dated 25 July 2012 (Nos 30 & 31), the GAC-EPA has reacted through an open letter. >>


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Orienteering Club

En avant pour une nouvelle saison Le coup d’envoi de la coupe genevoise d’automne sera donné le samedi 1 septembre à la Givrine. >>

Fitness Club

Nordic Walking Classes Sessions of four classes of one hour each are held on Tuesdays. RDV barracks parking at Entrance A, 10 minutes before class time. >>

Yoga Club

Prix des cours >>


Si cette offre vous intéresse, merci d’envoyer un mail à avec le détail de votre réservation via votre adresse mail professionnelle. >>


ZA de la Maladière – 358, rue de Perruet – 01210 – ORNEX Tél : 04 50 40 59 89 – >>

News Articles

Where is SUSY?  
Strength in diversity  
LHC Report: Timeout is over!  
Testing begins on Linac4  
From calorimetry to medical imaging: a shining example of successful transfer!  
Warmer amps for the LHC  
Small but powerful  
The elegant lines of the new Building 774  
CAS Accelerator Physics (Ion Sources) in Slovakia  
Go on a particle quest at the first CERN webfest  
Powerlifting: a new opportunity to stay fit!  
Acquiring a taste for the Higgs boson  
When the “Lion” eats your data  
Ombud's corner: Zen and conflict resolution  
News from the Library: The CERN Web Archive  

Official News

New safety training for access to the PS complex areas  

Training and Development

Technical training - Places available  
Management and communication courses – Places available  
Language Training Programme  


Internal Accident Report: fill it out!  
Novae news  
Attention: no radioactive waste accepted on 7 September  


UN Open Day - 15 September  
Meyrin celebrates Mobility Week, 10-22 September  
Third intervention of Gilles Jobin and Collide@CERN