

Attention: no radioactive waste accepted on 7 September

Anouncement by the RW section of the Radiation Protection Group: The Treatment Centre for Radioactive Waste will not be accepting waste on Friday, 7 September 2012. Thank you for adjusting your activities accordingly. >>

Internal Accident Report: fill it out!

It is important to report all accidents, near-misses and dangerous situations so that they can be avoided in the future. >>

Novae news

As announced in the previous Bulletin, Novae has opened a new snack bar on the Flagstaff car park, just a few metres from CERN's reception area (Building 33). >>

News Articles

Where is SUSY?  
Strength in diversity  
LHC Report: Timeout is over!  
Testing begins on Linac4  
From calorimetry to medical imaging: a shining example of successful transfer!  
Warmer amps for the LHC  
Small but powerful  
The elegant lines of the new Building 774  
CAS Accelerator Physics (Ion Sources) in Slovakia  
Go on a particle quest at the first CERN webfest  
Powerlifting: a new opportunity to stay fit!  
Acquiring a taste for the Higgs boson  
When the “Lion” eats your data  
Ombud's corner: Zen and conflict resolution  
News from the Library: The CERN Web Archive  

Official News

New safety training for access to the PS complex areas  

Training and Development

Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme: Particle Therapy  
Technical training - Places available  
Management and communication courses – Places available  
Language Training Programme  


UN Open Day - 15 September  
Meyrin celebrates Mobility Week, 10-22 September  
Third intervention of Gilles Jobin and Collide@CERN  

Staff Association

For a strong international public service  
Open Letter from the GAC-EPA to the Chairman of the PFGB EPA  
Orienteering Club  
Fitness Club  
Yoga Club  