

Where is SUSY?

Recent information from the LHC experiments, the relatively low mass of the new boson and other data coming from experiments looking for dark matter worldwide are placing new constraints on the existence of supersymmetry (SUSY). However, there is a large community of scientists that still believes that SUSY particles are out there. Like lost keys at night, perhaps we have been looking for SUSY under the wrong lamp-posts… >>

Strength in diversity

Diversity has always been science’s big secret, yet it’s a secret we’ve always been keen to share. CERN was founded on the basis of bringing a diverse mix of people together to pursue common aims, and it’s one of the things that’s driven this Organization’s success over the decades. >>

LHC Report: Timeout is over!

Over the last two weeks the LHC has been collecting luminosity at a steady pace, but not delivering the canonical 1 fb-1 per week. This is because machine timeouts were necessary to solve some beam-stability problems. Also, the beam development programme was moved forward, taking advantage of a timeout caused by an emergency ramp-down of the CMS solenoid magnet. With all these problems solved and with good injector performance, the past week has seen the LHC back to new record luminosities. >>

Testing begins on Linac4

On 3 August 2012, the Linac4 radiofrequency quadrupole (RFQ) module was installed at the accelerator test-stand in Building 152. The site will be the module’s home for almost a year, as the linear accelerator enters the assembly and testing stage. >>

From calorimetry to medical imaging: a shining example of successful transfer!

A team at CERN has drawn inspiration from calorimetry methods developed for high-energy physics to create a new positron-emission tomography system for use in medical imaging, which they’ve dubbed AX-PET. With support from European and American laboratories*, the project is reaching fruition, as initial tests confirm its promise. >>

Warmer amps for the LHC

CERN is working together with an Italian company to develop superconducting cables that can function at temperatures of up to 25 K (-248°C). This will make it possible to move LHC magnet power supplies out of the tunnel, protecting them from exposure to the showers of very high-energy particles produced by the accelerator. >>

Small but powerful

Magnet size is crucial to an accelerator as it determines the final circumference and power. This spring, Fermilab unveiled a 10.4 Tesla magnet that is shorter than the 8 Tesla magnets currently installed in the LHC. These new magnets will be a valuable asset to the HL-LHC, the next step of the LHC machine. >>

The elegant lines of the new Building 774

Prévessin will shortly see an addition to its stock of buildings. Functional, elegant and in compliance with the latest regulations regarding energy consumption, it will bring a modern touch to CERN’s French site. >>

CAS Accelerator Physics (Ion Sources) in Slovakia

The CERN Accelerator School (CAS) and the Slovak University of Technology jointly organised a specialised course on ion sources, held at the Hotel Senec, Senec, Slovakia, from 29 May to 8 June, 2012. >>

Go on a particle quest at the first CERN webfest

From 3 to 5 August, CERN played host to its very first webfest. Organised by the Citizen Cyberscience Centre (CCC) and the Peer 2 Peer University, the 2012 CERN Webfest saw pizza-fuelled summer students hacking their way almost non-stop through an entire weekend to produce a host of weird and wonderful innovations. As each of the teams raced against time in the hope of winning the grand prize of a trip to the Mozilla festival in London, sleep was hard for the students to come by, but fortunately great ideas were not. >>

Powerlifting: a new opportunity to stay fit!

On 19 and 20 July the Powerlifting section of the CERN Fitness Club hosted the “Powerlifting & Benchpress seminar of Honoured Coach of Russia*, Askold Surovetsky”. >>

Acquiring a taste for the Higgs boson

Before CERN's scientists had even announced the discovery of the Higgs boson, others were already attributing some interesting characteristics to it: flavoursome, sparkling and liquid... >>

When the “Lion” eats your data

Welcome to “Mountain Lion” - Apple’s most recent operating system for Macs. More than 200 new and useful functions come with this version*. But hold on! New and useful? With this Lion comes the full integration into Apple’s “iCloud”, the same iCloud already used for iPhones and iPads. >>

Ombud's corner: Zen and conflict resolution

“In order to reduce conflict in our lives we must first address our inner battles. To stop our reactive behavior, we need to make peace with ourselves. This is where conflict resolution truly begins.”* >>

News from the Library: The CERN Web Archive

The World Wide Web was born at CERN in 1989. However, although historic paper documents from over 50 years ago survive in the CERN Archive, it is by no means certain that we will be able to consult today's web pages 50 years from now. >>

Official News

New safety training for access to the PS complex areas  

Training and Development

Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme: Particle Therapy  
Technical training - Places available  
Management and communication courses – Places available  
Language Training Programme  


Attention: no radioactive waste accepted on 7 September  
Internal Accident Report: fill it out!  
Novae news  


UN Open Day - 15 September  
Meyrin celebrates Mobility Week, 10-22 September  
Third intervention of Gilles Jobin and Collide@CERN  

Staff Association

For a strong international public service  
Open Letter from the GAC-EPA to the Chairman of the PFGB EPA  
Orienteering Club  
Fitness Club  
Yoga Club  