

Ideas that break through

The EU-cofunded project ULICE (Union of Light Ion Centres in Europe) was launched in 2009 in response to the need to share clinical experience in hadron therapy treatment in Europe and knowledge of the associated complex technical aspects. After four successful years of activity the project is now over but the “transnational access” idea will survive thanks to an extension granted by the European Commission. >>

Streamlining the path from physics to medicine

We all know them: the well-established cases of knowledge transfer from physics to medicine in which CERN has played an important role. >>

LS1 Report: the SMACC consolidation train is almost at its destination

At the LHC, the remaining replacement magnets are now installed in their correct positions and awaiting reconnection. The SMACC project continues to advance and three quarters of the interconnect W bellows are now open. In sector 5-6 almost all the SMACC consolidation activities have been completed and the bellows are being closed again ready for testing. >>

A 3D photograph with 92 million pixels for tagging particles

Where was a given particle born? How can we tag it precisely enough to be able to then follow it along its track and through its decays? This is the job of the pixel detector installed at the heart of the ATLAS detector, only centimeters away from the LHC collisions. In order to improve its identification and tagging capabilities, the ATLAS collaboration has recently taken a big step towards the completion of the upgrade of its Pixel detector, which will include the insertion of a brand-new layer of 12 million pixels. >>

Carlo Rubbia, former CERN Director-General, appointed Senator for life by the President of Italy.

Today, the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano appointed four new senators for life: the music director and conductor “maestro” Claudio Abbado, the neuroscientist Professor Elena Cattaneo, the renowned architect Renzo Piano and Professor Carlo Rubbia, who was CERN Director-General from 1989 to 1993. >>

New hadron discovered at Entrance B (mother and baby doing fine)

Hadron: A heavy, strongly interacting particle. So say the dictionaries, and the definition seems entirely appropriate for the latest addition to a particular family that was passing CERN’s Entrance B on Monday afternoon en route for the Hôpital de la Tour. >>

CERN’s biggest and youngest family

In a sort of happy reply to the CERN Director-General, who cited them as the summer “addition to the big CERN family”, some of the 2013 summer students submitted their enthusiastic messages to the PH Newsletter. >>

Highlights from e-EPS: Physics for fun

e-EPS News is a monthly addition to the CERN Bulletin line-up, showcasing articles from e-EPS – the European Physical Society newsletter – as part of a collaboration between the two publications. >>

Stop fighting alone, let synergy rule!

Could it be true, as it seems to me, that CERN still has manpower to spare? I thought that now, during LS1, resources were scarce and everybody was very busy. But apparently not. We are getting more requests than ever to open firewalls for stand-alone web servers running local databases and custom web applications. >>

Autumn report of the Pension Fund

In this column, the Chairman of the Pension Fund Governing Board (PFGB) presents the Board's latest main decisions, initiatives and accomplishments to the Fund's members and beneficiaries. >>

Ombuds’ corner: The first three years

On average over the past three years, 3% of CERN staff members have used the Ombuds’ services each year. This is a reasonable figure as no institution can live without conflict. Too many cases would be worrying, as would too few: it would mean that conflicts are swept under the carpet. The question is not really how many conflicts arise, but how many can be and are resolved. Any conflict has a positive side: the opportunity to overcome it. Once a conflict or a misunderstanding has been resolved, the relationship generally ends up stronger as the obstacles have been removed. >>

Lorenzo Resegotti (1928-2013)

Lorenzo (Renzo) Resegotti (1928), staff scientist at CERN from 1954 to 1988, passed away on 23 May 2013. >>

Vacancy notices for posts opened with a view to the award of indefinite contracts

We are pleased to inform you that the list of posts opening with a view to the award of indefinite contracts is now available on the intranet (see here). >>

Official News

Safety Bulletin 2013-1: When the alarm rings, you must leave!  
Staff Rules and Regulations - Modification No 8 to the 11th edition.  
Vacancy notices for posts opened with a view to the award of indefinite contracts  
Annual Information Meeting of the Pension Fund  


Academic Training Lecture | LHC Operation: Past and Future by Mike Lamont | 10-12 September  
CERN Scientific Book Fair 2013  
2013 CERN Road Race  
Piping in need of a facelift  
Non-stop training during LS1!  
Restaurant opening hours during the Jeûne Genevois weekend  
Summer season | Cafeteria closures  

Staff Association

A crèche on the Meyrin CERN site  
Dancing Club  
Yoga Club  
CERN Women's Club  
Orienteering Club