

A crèche on the Meyrin CERN site

A few months ago (see Echo 175) we announced the opening, at the end of August, of a crèche at the CERN Staff Association’s nursery school. >>


Gateball Event 6–8 September on the CERN Croquet Lawns >>

Dancing Club

The CERN Dancing Club season starts again Subscriptions are open! >>

Yoga Club

Reprise des cours – Venez nombreux ! Yoga, Sophrologie, Tai Chi, Zen La liste des cours pour le semestre allant du 1er septembre 2013 au 31 janvier 2014  est disponible sur notre site web : http://club-yoga. >>

CERN Women's Club

Coffee Morning Tuesday 10th September 2013, 9:00 Bldg 504, (Restaurant No 2 – DSR) 1st Floor, Club Room 3 Registration Those interested in helping should come along. >>


Thursday 12 September 2013 at 20:00 CERN Council Chamber Raining Stones Directed by Ken Loach (UK, 1993) Original version English; French subtitles; 90 minutes This Ken Loach film tells the story of a man devoted to his family and his religion. >>

Orienteering Club

Calendrier de la coupe d’automne Le Club d’orientation du CERN, en partenariat avec d’autres clubs de la région, vous propose, pour cette nouvelle coupe d’automne genevoise, une série de 10 courses. >>

INTERFON Rendez-vous sur notre site pour toutes les « News » Interfon Journée Portes ouvertes Le mercredi 9 octobre 2013 dès 16h00 Salle Jean Monnet à Saint-Genis-Pouilly... >>

News Articles

Ideas that break through  
Streamlining the path from physics to medicine  
LS1 Report: the SMACC consolidation train is almost at its destination  
A 3D photograph with 92 million pixels for tagging particles  
Carlo Rubbia, former CERN Director-General, appointed Senator for life by the President of Italy.  
New hadron discovered at Entrance B (mother and baby doing fine)  
CERN’s biggest and youngest family  
Highlights from e-EPS: Physics for fun  
Stop fighting alone, let synergy rule!  
Autumn report of the Pension Fund  
Ombuds’ corner: The first three years  
Lorenzo Resegotti (1928-2013)  

Official News

Safety Bulletin 2013-1: When the alarm rings, you must leave!  
Staff Rules and Regulations - Modification No 8 to the 11th edition.  
Vacancy notices for posts opened with a view to the award of indefinite contracts  
Annual Information Meeting of the Pension Fund  


Academic Training Lecture | LHC Operation: Past and Future by Mike Lamont | 10-12 September  
CERN Scientific Book Fair 2013  
2013 CERN Road Race  
Piping in need of a facelift  
Non-stop training during LS1!  
Restaurant opening hours during the Jeûne Genevois weekend  
Summer season | Cafeteria closures