

The tree-felling campaign has to continue

The tree-felling campaign that began in 2010 continued last winter, as we reported in our article of 4 March 2013 (see here). While safety concerns* are the main driver, the campaign will also allow a coherent landscaping plan to be implemented. >>

Closure of Restaurant 2 on Thursday 28 November

Due to the organisation of the thank-you drink for Open Days volunteers, Thursday 28 November, EXCEPTIONAL CLOSURE of Restaurant 2 at 2.30 p.m. >>

Pre-paid envelopes commemorating the 2013 Open Days

The post office on CERN's Prévessin site is still selling pre-paid envelopes commemorating the 2013 Open Days. Hurry while stocks last! >>

Snow, ice… and other reasons to be cheerful!

CERN’s roads, car parks, pavements and pedestrian areas cover an area of 60 hectares in total. The EN-HE Group is responsible for clearing snow from and salting the roads and car parks. The GS-IS Group, through its contracts for the cleaning and maintenance of green spaces, is responsible for clearing the snow from, salting and sanding the pavements, pedestrian routes and entrances to buildings, and for replenishing the bins of silica sand*, which will be used in place of salt in the bins from now on. >>

Safety Bulletin 2013-3

The HSE Unit just released the Safety Bulletin 2013-3 entitled “Drive with caution!”. >>

Lights on for daytime driving: mandatory from 1 January 2014

In accordance with the Swiss Federal Decree of 15 June 2012, it will be mandatory from 1 January 2014 to keep your vehicle lights permanently switched on when driving on Swiss territory. >>

CERN Shop Christmas Sale

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NEW! Better security due to multi-factor authentication

Have you ever worried about using your password for logging into critical applications (like accelerator or experiment control systems), as an administrator for computing services, or for authorising expensive orders in EDH? You are right to worry. If your password is lost or stolen, the lucky finder or malicious thief might misuse your access rights to wreak severe havoc on the operation of the Organization. >>

News Articles

Science and peace: taste the magic in the blend  
Towards the next chapter  
LS1 Report: achieving the unachievable  
First H- beam accelerated at Linac4: 3MeV done, 157 MeV to go!  
A thermosiphon for ATLAS  
TLEP design study forges ahead  
LHC data to be made public via Open Access initiative  
Teens join the MoEDAL collaboration  
CERN Apps meet in a forum  
The HERMES Network: a messenger of international cooperation  
A Saturday of science for girls  
TEDx Organisers meet at CERN  
Backed up and gone...  
Ombuds’ corner: Ethics and compassion  
News from the Library: "Nature" is accessible to the CERN community from 1869!  

Official News


Training and Development

New session of “CERN Document Server (CDS), Inspire and Library Services”  
Safety Training: places available in November - December 2013  
New Radiation Protection training room  
Lync: click to call and collaborate with others  


Université de Genève | Séminaire de physique corpusculaire | 26 November  
Université de Genève | Séminaire de physique corpusculaire | 27 November  
Jean-Pierre Burquier presents his art exhibition “Out of their minds”  
European School of Instrumentation in Particle and Astroparticle Physics  
Joint Universities Accelerator School  
HEPTech Academia – Industry Matching Event on Control Systems for Accelerators and Detectors  
Exhibition | Palais des Nations | "Memoria e Futuro" - Smart, sustainable and inclusive management of cultural heritage  
John Adams Lecture | 120 Years of Accelerators that Heal | 3 December  

Staff Association

Diversity and representativeness: two key factors  
New Staff Council  
Our October 2013 public meetings (first part)  
Dancing club  