News Articles
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Staff Association
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Issue No. 06-07/2014 - Monday 3 February 2014
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Section Développement de contenus éditoriaux
Posters of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics available from the Library
Safety Training: a right or an obligation?
Safety Training and Awareness: a team at your service
How to fill in your OHS-0-0-3 Safety Form
Don't miss the Announcements and Events sections of the Bulletin!
2014 CERN Accelerator Schools
A specialised school on Power Converters will be held in Baden, Switzerland, from 7 to 14 May 2014. Please note that the deadline for applications is 7 FEBRUARY 2014.
2014 European School of High-Energy Physics
Dear Colleagues,
News Articles
The successful completion of LS1, consolidation and preparations for the future
A mid-term report for LS1
LS1 Report: the clouds are lifting
CMS prepares for new challenges
Physics and Medicine: ready for a new rendez-vous
The hunting season’s over
Hackathon: Call for applications - the search for cinema-loving scientists is on
Behind the scenes of GS: Sweet dreams!
Computer Security: Getting a better image from the Organization
Ombuds' Corner: A change in your career? Drive it yourself!
News from the Library: Knovel trial period
Official News
Subsidised energy prices in France: TPN – Tarif de Première Nécessité (“basic needs” electricity price) and TSS – Tarif Spécial de Solidarité (special solidarity price for natural gas)
Extension of the pre-retirement programmes
Official holidays in 2014 and end-of-year closure 2014/2015
Training and Development
Language tandem
Safety Training: places available in February 2014
English and French courses
Academic Training Lectures | The Upgrade Programme of the LHC Detectors by Werner Riegler | 3-5 February
ICTR-PHE Public Talk | Physics is beautiful and useful by Ugo Amaldi | 11 February
Future Circular Collider Study (FCC) kick-off meeting | 12-15 February
Lift conference | 5-7 February
Staff Association
Public meetings
Staff Association
Cern Golf Club
Rugby Club
Cern Wowen's Club