

The successful completion of LS1, consolidation and preparations for the future

For CERN’s Technology (TE) Department, success in LS1 is more important than finishing. In other words, the aim is to reach the finish line having maintained the highest standards of safety, quality and performance. Other challenges need to be faced too, before, during and after LS1, and the Department always approaches them with optimism. The new Department Head tells us how his 750 colleagues work to keep the Laboratory at the cutting edge of high-energy physics technology. >>

A mid-term report for LS1

As the LHC’s first long shutdown, LS1, enters its second calendar year, it’s a good time for a mid-term report on how things are progressing.  >>

LS1 Report: the clouds are lifting

To combat the problem of electron clouds, which perturbate the environment of the particle beams in our accelerators, the Vacuum team have turned to amorphous carbon. This material is being applied to the interior of 16 magnets in the SPS during LS1 and will help prevent the formation of the secondary particles which are responsible for these clouds. >>

CMS prepares for new challenges

One of the world’s largest physics experiments has just had a change in leadership. This is a chance for the collaboration to take stock of the tremendous work done for LS1 and to prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. >>

Physics and Medicine: ready for a new rendez-vous

The second ICTR-PHE conference is on the starting blocks. From 10 to 14 February, physicists, medical doctors and life science experts will meet again in Geneva to discuss how to improve the use of innovative techniques in the fight against cancer. >>

The hunting season’s over

Hundreds of Internet users from across the globe have been scouring the Computer Centre for LEGO figurines in recent weeks (see here). The time has come to announce the results… >>

Hackathon: Call for applications - the search for cinema-loving scientists is on

CinéGlobe, the International Film Festival at CERN, is organising the “Story Matter” Hackathon in partnership with the Tribeca Film Institute, Festival Tous Écrans and the Lift Conference. >>

Behind the scenes of GS: Sweet dreams!

The CERN Hostel is located in the heart of the Meyrin site and provides the Organization’s many users with a comfortable and peaceful place to stay. The services offered by the Hostel, which is managed by the GS-IS Group, have seen many changes over the years. >>

Computer Security: Getting a better image from the Organization

Do you make regular presentations about CERN or CERN's activities to the public? Do you manage public webpages hosted by CERN? Do you edit or contribute to CERN publications? Besides plenty of text, every good presentation, webpage or publication is usually spruced up with visual content: graphics, photos or even videos. But have you ever thought about whether you actually have the proper rights to use such imagery? >>

Ombuds' Corner: A change in your career? Drive it yourself!

Contracts come to an end, projects move from one phase to another, hierarchy changes… in the 21st century, things have the tendency to move very quickly in the work environment. Although no change comes without a large dose of stress, the key is to see it as an opportunity for professional growth – keeping in mind that in every end there is a new beginning. >>

News from the Library: Knovel trial period

Knovel is a Web-based database integrating technical information with analytical and search tools. It is specifically aimed at the engineering community, offering validated content derived from the most trusted sources. >>

Don't miss the Announcements and Events sections of the Bulletin!

There you'll find information on Safety Training and the team in charge, the OHS-0-0-3 Safety Form, the posters of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics, the 2014 CERN Accelerator Schools, the 2014 European... >>

Official News

Subsidised energy prices in France: TPN – Tarif de Première Nécessité (“basic needs” electricity price) and TSS – Tarif Spécial de Solidarité (special solidarity price for natural gas)  
Extension of the pre-retirement programmes  
Official holidays in 2014 and end-of-year closure 2014/2015  

Training and Development

Language tandem  
Safety Training: places available in February 2014  
English and French courses  


Posters of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics available from the Library  
Safety Training: a right or an obligation?  
Safety Training and Awareness: a team at your service  
How to fill in your OHS-0-0-3 Safety Form  
Don't miss the Announcements and Events sections of the Bulletin!  
2014 CERN Accelerator Schools  
2014 European School of High-Energy Physics  


Academic Training Lectures | The Upgrade Programme of the LHC Detectors by Werner Riegler | 3-5 February  
ICTR-PHE Public Talk | Physics is beautiful and useful by Ugo Amaldi | 11 February  
Future Circular Collider Study (FCC) kick-off meeting | 12-15 February  
Lift conference | 5-7 February  

Staff Association

Public meetings  
Staff Association  
Cern Golf Club  
Rugby Club  
Cern Wowen's Club  