

Guaranteeing CERN’s excellence: consolidate experience

The Organization has several missions: fundamental research, technical developments and innovation, training the several hundreds of associates, fellows and students, while at the same time taking care of more than 10000 users. >>

Dancing club

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Cine club

Thursday 4th December 2014 at 20:00 CERN Council Chamber Kadosh   Directed by Amos Gitai Israel, 1999, 110 minutes   The year 2000 approaches in Jerusalem's Orthodox Mea Shearim quarter, where the women work, keep house, and have children so the men can study the Torah and the Talmud. >>


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News Articles

Ideas worth nurturing  
A clean bill of health for CERN’s medical applications office  
LS1 Report: Handing in the ATLAS keys  
CERN's role in medical applications  
Microcosm 2015: showcasing real objects, real people and real discoveries  
Transfer line tests take centre stage  
Brand new hall in the main building  
Machine Learning wins the Higgs Challenge  
ATLAS@Home looks for CERN volunteers  
A dishwasher for circuits  
The Safety Training Centre is also used for recruitment  
Building 772 - CERN’s new calibration facility for radiation protection instruments is ready to go  
Joint International Accelerator School  
Mystery photos: challenge No. 4!  
Behind the scenes of GS: a long-term urban planning vision  
Computer Security: Agility for computers  
Ombud’s corner: When “stop” doesn’t work  

Official News

End-of-year closure 2014/2015  
Pension payment dates in 2015  
New procedure for declaring accidents resulting in bodily injuries  
106TH ACCU Meeting DRAFT  
CHIS – Services available during CERN’s end-of-year closure  
CHIS – New insurance cards and phone numbers valid from 1 January 2015  
CHIS - Information concerning the health insurance of frontalier workers who are family members of a CHIS main member  

Training and Development

Safety Training: places available in November and December 2014  


CERN Bulletin publication schedule for 2015  
Modernising the CERN Admin e-guide  
Joint Universities Accelerator School | Places available!  
European School in Instrumentation for Particle and Astroparticle Physics | Places available!  
CERN Accelerator School | 26 May – 5 June 2015  
Safety training news  


John Adams Lecture | Accelerator-Based Neutrino Physics: Past, Present and Future by Kenneth Long | 8 December  
TEDx Place Des Nations | 11 December