Accelerating science
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english |
Issue No. 12-13/2015 - Monday 16 March 2015
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From the Editorial Content Development Section
Section Développement de contenus éditoriaux
CERN Accelerator School: Registration open for Advanced Accelerator Physics course
Procurement Service launches new eLearning module
The Medical Service teams up with an external laboratory
Take your blood pressure to heart! Screening programme 24-27 March
Blood donation | 31 March
Route Scherrer and Route Einstein closed for construction work
The Bulletin turns 50!
What does the Bulletin mean to you? Send us your thoughts!
News Articles
CALET: a stopover at CERN before flying to space
Keeping HL-LHC accountable
LHC Report: The beam is back at the LHC
Build your own tiny Lego LHC
The poetry of (POP) science
They rose to the challenge!
Donation of CERN computing equipment to Pakistan
Computer Security: Printing confidentially
Ombud’s Corner: At cross purposes?
Training and Development
Management and Communication courses – Places available
Personal Development and Communication courses
Technical management courses (before July)
Language training
Safety Training: places available in March and April 2015
CERN Library | Agnes Chavez @ CERN | 17 March
La bibliothèque du CERN | Pauline Gagnon présente : « Qu'est-ce que le boson de Higgs mange en hiver et autres détails essentiels » | 24 mars
CineGlobe, Festival International de Films au CERN | 24 – 29 mars 2015
Staff Association
Nursery school
Looking back
CERN Croquet Club
CERN Choir
Cine club
Festival du rire de Genève
Dancing club