CERN Accelerating science




Academic Training Lecture | Practical Statistics for LHC Physicists: Descriptive Statistics, Probability and Likelihood | 7-9 April

Please note that our next series of Academic Training Lectures will take place on the 7, 8 and 9 April 2015 >>

Lifelines: faces and breaths from Palestine

The “Lifelines” drawing exhibition, which evokes the culture and atmosphere of Palestine, is on display in the Main Building from now until 5 April. Income from the sale of drawings will contribute to funding specialised training for the young artist behind the drawings. >>

News Articles

CERN's Community "Log Book" turns 50  
The slings and arrows of LHC restart schedules  
LHC Report: a brief deceleration  
Tracking the LHC halo  
MoEDAL: Passive but no less active  
KT Fund: Five years of funding for impact  
Intelum project: tackling the calorimetry challenge for future high-energy colliders  
Building 774: open for business  
New arrivals  
Did you miss the eclipse?  
Computer Security: CERN Secure Password Competition  

Official News

Administrative Circular No. 2 (Rev. 7) - Recruitment, appointment and possible developments regarding the contractual position of staff members  

Training and Development

Safety Training: places available in March and April 2015  
Places available - Technical management courses (up to the end of July)  
Laser training courses: new purpose-built room for practical exercises  
Personal Development and Communication courses  
Language training  


Restaurant closures during holiday period  
2015 European School of High-Energy Physics  
Prévessin site: Pedestrian and cycle entrance  
THE Port is looking for your input  
Calibration of "Babyline" RP instruments  
Gate A: changes to opening hours  
CERN Accelerator School: Registration open for Advanced Accelerator Physics course  
Blood donation | 31 March  
Route Scherrer and Route Einstein closed for construction work  

Staff Association

The Director General withdraws its proposal to Council  
CERN Yachting club  
Cine club  
Orienteering club  
Record club  