Physics and medicine: ICTR-PHE 2016 opens abstract submission
The third edition of the joint ICTR (International Conference on Transnational Research in Radiation Oncology) and PHE (Physics for Health in Europe) conference (see here) will take place from 15 to 19 February 2016 at the Geneva International Conference Centre (CICG). This biennial event, co-organised by CERN, has become a staple amongst the scientific communities involved in multidisciplinary research at the crossing of physics, medicine, and biology.
Abstract submission and registration are now open: detector physicists, radiochemists, nuclear-medicine physicians and physicists, biologists, software developers, accelerator experts, and oncologists are encouraged to “think outside the box” and make innovative proposals. Last year’s programme shows the breadth and diversity of subjects, which makes this conference a unique place to showcase your research, see how the same topic is approached by different disciplines, engage in stimulating discussions, and form new partnerships.
ICTR-PHE 2016 will, for the first time, publish selected contributions in a dedicated issue of Radiotherapy and Oncology, the so-called Green Journal of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO). The conference has always welcomed and supported young scientists, with a large number of posters on display throughout the five days; the 2016 programme will enhance the posters’ visibility through a dedicated session where the conference participants will be invited to meet the poster authors.
The conference is chaired by Manjit Dosanjh, deputy leader of the Medical Applications programme and the Knowledge Transfer group, and Jacques Bernier, Chair of the Department of Radio-Oncology at the Genolier Clinic in Geneva.
Find more news and updated information on the conference website, or follow us on Twitter (#ictrphe).