

CERN, flagship of European scientific collaboration

The creation of CERN in 1954 had its roots in a resurgent postwar Europe and the willingness to share resources to create a joint fundamental physics laboratory integrating all countries of the Old Continent. This humanistic vision has been driven by several Nobel Prize laureates. The Organization then embodied the very definition of "science for peace". Basic science is not subject in principle to the concept of utility. Nevertheless, very many of the benefits are the direct or indirect spinoffs of this research, even if they were not the primary objective of the researcher. >>

60th Anniversary

Thursday, May 21, the Staff Association celebrated its sixtieth anniversary. Despite the rather poor weather condition, the celebration was a great success. It was an excellent opportunity to spend a convivial moment with colleagues, active and pensioners, to the sound of a live music concert. Many thanks to all those who helped us with the organization and to all of you for coming. >>


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Micro club

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Cine club

Wednesday 10 June 2015 at 20:00 CERN Council Chamber Palombella rossa Directed by Nanni Moretti Italy, 1989, 89 minutes   Because of an accident, Michele, a politician of the Italian Communist Party and a water-polo player, loses his memory. >>

Petanque Club

Jeudi 28 mai 2015 sous un soleil radieux se déroulait le premier concours interne de pétanque de la saison "Challenge Luigi Bavaresco " en cour depuis 1999. >>


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News Articles

High-energy communication  
Stable beams  
LHC Report: First stable beams at 6.5 TeV  
FameLab International Final: a triumph for Switzerland and CERN  
CERN openlab Open Day  
EuroCirCol: A key to New Physics  
Opening science to the world; opening the world to science  
Plastic fish  
Computer Security: The dilemma of fractal defence  
Ombud’s Corner: Bystanders, you can have a role too  
Matthieu Cattin (1982 - 2015) - Hervé Milcent (1965 - 2015)  

Official News

Next Indefinite Contract review exercise  

Training and Development

“Communication: Science or Art?” – What’s new?  
Safety Training: places available in May and June 2015  
Places available - Technical management courses (up to the end of 2015)  


Change of mobile telephony operator and mobile telephone numbers - 24 June 2015  
Traffic modifications on Routes Rutherford, Democrite and Fermi  
A powerful search for EDMS 6  
CERN Accelerator School: Intensity Limitations in Particle Beams | 2-11 November  
New book in the Bookshop: "Recipes for Peace, Rights and Well-Being"  
Physics and medicine: ICTR-PHE 2016 opens abstract submission  
A new look for the CERN car sharing service