

Change of mobile telephony operator and mobile telephone numbers - 24 June 2015

Following a call for tenders issued in 2014, Swisscom will replace Sunrise as CERN’s mobile telephony operator from 24 June 2015. As of this date, CERN mobile telephone numbers will change from the +41 (0)76 487 xxxx format to the +41 (0)75 411 xxxx format and people with a CERN mobile telephony subscription will need to change their SIM card. >>

Traffic modifications on Routes Rutherford, Democrite and Fermi

The GS Department would like to inform you that until the end of December, the construction of Building 245 will result in the following traffic modifications: >>

A powerful search for EDMS 6

Since the end of May, EDMS 6 has featured a brand new search solution. You might have already noticed the changes if you have run the search recently. We have integrated EDMS with the central CERN Search service, allowing EDMS to benefit from the central engine for queries and CERN search from EDMS public data, which can now be found directly via the CERN Search portal. The integration is a result of a very successful collaboration between the EDMS and the CERN Search teams. >>

CERN Accelerator School: Intensity Limitations in Particle Beams | 2-11 November

Registration is now open for the CERN Accelerator School’s specialised course on Intensity Limitations in Particle Beams, to be held at CERN between 2 and 11 November 2015. >>

New book in the Bookshop: "Recipes for Peace, Rights and Well-Being"

The International Geneva Perception Change project was launched by UNOG Acting Director-General Michael Møller in early 2014. The project aims to highlight the impact of the work done by all of the UN and international organisations, non-governmental organisations and other institutions based in Geneva. >>

Physics and medicine: ICTR-PHE 2016 opens abstract submission

The third edition of the joint ICTR (International Conference on Transnational Research in Radiation Oncology) and PHE (Physics for Health in Europe) conference (see here) will take place from 15 to 19 February 2016 at the Geneva International Conference Centre (CICG). This biennial event, co-organised by CERN, has become a staple amongst the scientific communities involved in multidisciplinary research at the crossing of physics, medicine, and biology. >>

A new look for the CERN car sharing service

From Tuesday, 2 June 2015 onwards, the CERN car sharing service will have a new service provider. >>

News Articles

High-energy communication  
Stable beams  
LHC Report: First stable beams at 6.5 TeV  
FameLab International Final: a triumph for Switzerland and CERN  
CERN openlab Open Day  
EuroCirCol: A key to New Physics  
Opening science to the world; opening the world to science  
Plastic fish  
Computer Security: The dilemma of fractal defence  
Ombud’s Corner: Bystanders, you can have a role too  
Matthieu Cattin (1982 - 2015) - Hervé Milcent (1965 - 2015)  

Official News

Next Indefinite Contract review exercise  

Training and Development

“Communication: Science or Art?” – What’s new?  
Safety Training: places available in May and June 2015  
Places available - Technical management courses (up to the end of 2015)  

Staff Association

CERN, flagship of European scientific collaboration  
60th Anniversary  
Micro club  
Cine club  
Petanque Club  