

Communication: I like

To fulfill its mission to represent CERN personnel with the Management and the Member States, the Staff Council has set up a series of Commissions: employment conditions, pensions, legal matters, social protection, health and safety, InformAction, CAPA (individual cases) and, more recently, Media-Com. >>

Presidents' Words

In the context of the sixtieth anniversary of the Staff Association, we asked former presidents to tell us about their years of Presidency. We start in this issue of Echo with contributions from Michel Vitasse and Jean-Pol Matheys. >>

Collection for Nepal

On 25 April 2015, Nepal and neighboring countries suffered a violent earthquake, which killed thousands. >>


New season 2015-2016 The new season was revealed in May, and was warmly welcomed by the press, which is especially enthusiastic about the exceptional arrival of Fanny Ardand in September in the framework of Cassandre show. >>

Cine club

Wednesday 8 July 2015 at 20:00 CERN Council Chamber Contact Directed by Robert Zemeckis USA, 1997, 150 minutes   Contact is the story of a free thinking radio astronomer who discovers an intelligent signal broadcast from deep space. >>

Learning classical music club

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Orienteering Club

Course orientation Finale de la coupe genevoise La série des courses de printemps s’est achevée samedi dernier dans les bois de Bonmont (Vaud) avec une épreuve «one-man-relay» organisée par le club. >>


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News Articles

A SHiP to explore new routes  
Freedom and security: a sometimes delicate balance  
LHC Report: Out of the clouds  
HiLumi prepares its construction phase with industry  
KT gets even closer to CERN people  
Behind the scenes at Microcosm  
International Geneva: intellectual property under the spotlight  
It’s Round 2 for POPScience  
New arrivals  
Computer Security: Do you have 30 kCHF pocket money?  
Ombud’s Corner: “Summertime – and the living is easy…”  

Official News

Next Indefinite Contract review exercise  
Family benefits - Obligation to provide information  
Staff Rules and Regulations - Modification n°9 to the 11th edition  
Driving a CERN vehicle in the European Union: new customs regulation  

Training and Development

Coming soon - Launch of e-learning initiative for supervisors  


Blood Donation | 21-22 July  
Going on holiday? Travelling on duty? Do you know what to do if your mobile phone is lost or stolen?  
Work on the Building 4 car park and closure of Entrance A  
Announcement by the Internal Transport Service  
Traffic modifications on Routes Rutherford, Democrite and Fermi  
Doing business with CERN  


Public Lecture Collide@CERN Pro Helvetia | 23 July | Main Auditorium  
The Physics of Music and the Music of Physics | CERN at the Montreux Jazz Festival | 9 July