

A superconducting shield to protect astronauts

The CERN Superconductors team in the Technology department is involved in the European Space Radiation Superconducting Shield (SR2S) project, which aims to demonstrate the feasibility of using superconducting magnetic shielding technology to protect astronauts from cosmic radiation in the space environment. The material that will be used in the superconductor coils on which the project is working is magnesium diboride (MgB2), the same type of conductor developed in the form of wire for CERN for the LHC High Luminosity Cold Powering project. >>

Hot news from home and abroad

The heatwave affecting many parts of Europe has been often in the news this summer, but we’ve also had plenty of “hot news” at CERN, in particular regarding the LHC and the experiments. >>

LHC Report: machine development

Machine development weeks are carefully planned in the LHC operation schedule to optimise and further study the performance of the machine. The first machine development session of Run 2 ended on Saturday, 25 July. Despite various hiccoughs, it allowed the operators to make great strides towards improving the long-term performance of the LHC. >>

CERN’s Summer of Rock

When a rock star visits CERN, they don’t just bring their entourage with them. Along for the ride are legions of fans across the world – many of whom may not be the typical CERN audience. In July alone, four big acts paid CERN a visit, sharing their experience with the world: Scorpions, The Script, Kings of Leon and Patti Smith. >>

Area of turbulence

As a member of the EuHIT (European High-Performance Infrastructures in Turbulence - see here) consortium, CERN is participating in fundamental research on turbulence phenomena. To this end, the Laboratory provides European researchers with a cryogenic research infrastructure (see here), where the first tests have just been performed. >>

Microcosm reloaded!

On 20 July, Microcosm reopened its doors to the public. CERN’s guides are already leading many enthusiastic visitors through the new attractions of the popular exhibition. More areas will reopen progressively over the coming weeks before the official inauguration this autumn. >>

Family reunion for the UA2 calorimeter

After many years in CERN’s Microcosm exhibition, the last surviving UA2 central calorimeter module has been moved to Hall 175, the technical development laboratory of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter (Tilecal). The UA2 and ATLAS calorimeters are cousins, as both were designed by Otto Gildemeister. Now side by side, the calorimeters illustrate the progress made in sampling organic scintillator calorimeters over the past 35 years. >>

CERN software developers gathering in September

Hundreds of developers work on many different projects at CERN – from data analysis to beam operations and administrative applications. As of this September, they will have an opportunity to meet each other at the newly established Developers@CERN Forum. >>

Rock stars for the day

After a two-year hiatus, the CERN Hardronic Festival is back! On 8 August, ten CERN MusiClub bands will take to the stage for the popular event. As usual, the non-stop show will take place on the terrace of Restaurant 3 and will run until after midnight. >>

Kids explore CERN’s universe

Following last year’s successful science camp, the kids enrolled in the Staff Association’s 2015 Summer Camp experienced some of the Laboratory’s activities for one day each week in July. >>

From the CERN web: an 11T magnet, EPS-HEP2015 and more

This new section highlights articles, blog posts and press releases published in the CERN web environment over the past two weeks. This way, you won’t miss a thing... >>

Computer Security: downloading films is no peccadillo

Dear Summer Students, within the Organization, you have many possibilities to pursue your natural curiosity and acquire as much new knowledge as you can siphon into your brain. CERN provides you with the academic freedom to do so, with almost no limitations. But hold on: “free” and “no limitations” don’t mean that you can do whatever you want… >>

Work on the Building 4 car park and closure of Entrance A

From 6 July to 31 October 2015, the GS department will be carrying out renovation work on the car park next to Buildings 4 and 5. This work is aimed at improving safety on and around the car park for all users, particularly children attending the nursery school, pedestrians and cyclists. >>

Traffic modifications on Routes Rutherford, Democrite and Fermi

The GS Department would like to inform you that, until the end of December, the construction of Building 245 will result in the following traffic modifications: >>

Official News

15 September: Annual Information Meeting of the Pension Fund  
Individual breakdown of pension rights and end of contract  
Education fees – New forms  

Training and Development

Places available - Technical management courses (up to the end of 2015)  


Vote for your favorite tourist attraction on "Le Dauphiné Libéré"  
Summer Restaurant opening times  
Going on holiday? Travelling on duty? Do you know what to do if your mobile phone is lost or stolen?  
Work on the Building 4 car park and closure of Entrance A  
Traffic modifications on Routes Rutherford, Democrite and Fermi  


Hardronic Festival 2015  
Conference: Superconductivity, theory and practical challenges of a quantum phenonemon | 25 August | Uni Dufour  

Staff Association

Why not at CERN also?  
Presidents' Words  
Collection for Nepal  
Canoe-Kayak Club  
Cine Club  