

CERN Bulletin publication schedule for 2016

The table below lists the 2016 publication dates for the CERN Bulletin and the corresponding deadlines for the submission of announcements. Please note that all announcements must be submitted by 12 noon on Tuesdays at the latest. >>

Find out more about CERN's 5-yearly review

Everything you have ever wanted to know about the Organization’s five-yearly review and how it impacts each and every one of us. >>

End of incoming ICMP (“pings”)

In order to further reduce the exposure of the CERN networks and their devices to the Internet, the Computer Security Team has decided to block ICMP ("ping") requests from the Internet towards devices connected to the CERN office network (GPN) and the CERN wireless network.  >>

Wanted: Moderators for International Masterclasses in Particle Physics

The International Masterclasses in Particle Physics give high school students from around the world the opportunity to become particle physicists for a day. CERN physicists are invited to participate in next year’s Masterclass programme, to be held from 11 February to 23 March 2016. >>

Joint universities accelerator school (JUAS) - Places available

If you are a PhD student, fellow or staff member and are interested in following one or more specific modules à la carte at JUAS a limited number of places are still available on the Technologies & Applications course.   >>

European school of instrumentation for particle and astroparticle physics (ESIPAP) - Places available

If you are a PhD student, fellow or staff member and are interested in following one or more specific modules à la carte at ESIPAP, a limited number of places are still available on the Technologies & Applications course.   >>

CERN’s 2016 Beamline for Schools competition starts on 17 November

Spread the word: CERN is offering high-school students from around the world the chance to create and perform a scientific experiment on a CERN accelerator beamline. What better way to learn about physics?  >>

Άρθρα Νέων

Pickin’ up good vibrations  
LHC Report: serving a hot, dense soup for Christmas  
Evaluating and measuring impact: where and how?  
CBI students: target hit!  
CERN encourages girls to "expand their horizons"  
Training course for eighteen teachers at CERN  
Staff members with 25 years' service at CERN in 2015  
From the CERN web: grid computing, night shift, ridge effect and more  
Computer Security: a plea to Santa Claus  
How CERN promotes innovation and entrepreneurship  

Επίσημα Νέα

Official holidays in 2016 and end-of-year closure 2016/2017  
Pension payment dates in 2016  
CERN Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS): Monthly Contributions for 2016  
New CERN Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS) forms  
Operational Circular No. 2 (Rev. 3) - Conditions of access to the fenced parts of the CERN site  

Εκπαίδευση και Ανάπτυξη

Places available - Technical management courses (up to the end of June 2016)  


Academic Training Lectures | Stuxnet and Cyber-Warfare | 13-14 January 2016  

Σύλλογος Προσωπικού

Election of the new Executive Committee: Combining continuity and renewal  
Collection for Refugiees  
Cine Club  