

Super and ferric: the first HL-LHC component is ready

Although the actual installation phase in the tunnel will only start in 2024, the first magnet – a sextupole – of the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is ready and working according to specifications. This first component is also rather unique as, unlike the superconducting magnets currently used in the LHC, it relies on a “superferric” heart. >>

Power to the LHC

It’s March already, and time for the LHC to wake up from its short winter break. The first of 7000 powering tests began on 4 March: the first step on the way to the first beams of 2016. It’s a tight schedule, with the powering tests scheduled for just 12 days before moving on to machine checkout and then commissioning with beam around Easter. >>

LHC Report: Back in operation

With the machine back in their hands since Friday, 4 March, the LHC operators are now performing the powering tests on the magnets. This is a crucial step before receiving the first beams and restarting Run 2 for physics. >>

GOSH! A roadmap for open-source science hardware

The goal of the Gathering for Open Science Hardware (GOSH! 2016), held from 2 to 5 March 2016 at IdeaSquare, was to lay the foundations of the open-source hardware for science movement. >>

New CMS spokesperson: “An honour to be chosen to lead a spectacular collection of people”

Fermilab’s Joel Butler will take the reins of the CMS collaboration in September, after having been elected as its new spokesperson during the last CMS Week. >>

From the CERN Web: in theory, SuperKEKB, International Women’s Day and more

This section highlights articles, blog posts and press releases published in the CERN web environment over the past weeks. This way, you won’t miss a thing...   >>

Computer Security: better code, fewer problems

The origin of many security incidents is negligence or unintentional mistakes made by web developers or programmers. In the rush to complete the work, due to skewed priorities, or just to ignorance, basic security principles can be omitted or forgotten. >>

Ombud’s Corner: that’s not what I meant…

Have you ever been surprised by a negative reaction to an e-mail that you believed to have been efficient, helpful and to-the-point? This happens more often than you may realise, as communication is about what they hear, not what you say. >>

Jean-Claude Brunet (1941 - 2016)

Jean-Claude Brunet passed away on 27 February 2016. >>

CERN internal communication is evolving

CERN news will now be regularly updated on the CERN People page (see here).    >>

Warning: safety risk with some Apple AC Wall Plug Adapters

Dear Mac and iOS Users, Apple has determined that some of its two prong Apple AC wall plug adapters may break and create a risk of electrical shock. >>

Official News

Taxation in France  
CERN Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS) – Reimbursement of contraception and sterilisation  
Taxation in Switzerland  

Training and Development

Technical training: RF superconductivity and accelerator cavity applications  


CERN internal communication is evolving  
New version of the “Working on the CERN site” document  
Closing of Route BLOCH  
Warning: safety risk with some Apple AC Wall Plug Adapters  
The CERN Accelerator School  
2016 Asia-Europe-Pacific School of High-Energy Physics  


CERN Library | Mario Campanelli presents "Inside CERN's Large Hadron Collider"| 16 March  
Collide@CERN: Horizons Irrésolus  

Staff Association

Problems afoot for the CERN kindergarten (EVEE)?  
General Assembly  
Registration Day-Camp 2016  
Martial Arts Club  
Cine club  
Yoga club  