
Members of the personnel shall be deemed to have taken note of the news under this heading. Reproduction of all or part of this information by persons or institutions external to the Organization requires the prior approval of the CERN Management.

The latest Official News articles appear below; for past articles, please see the Official News archive.

Taxation in France

Information regarding income tax in France. Request for additional information: social security number and personal details.   >>

CERN Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS) – Reimbursement of contraception and sterilisation

In line with the practice in many Member States and in other international organisations based in Geneva, the CHIS will, as of 1 March 2016, reimburse upon presentation of a medical prescription: >>

Taxation in Switzerland

Memorandum concerning the 2015 internal taxation certificate and the 2015 income tax declaration forms issued by the Swiss cantonal tax administrations. >>

News Articles

Super and ferric: the first HL-LHC component is ready  
Power to the LHC  
LHC Report: Back in operation  
GOSH! A roadmap for open-source science hardware  
New CMS spokesperson: “An honour to be chosen to lead a spectacular collection of people”  
From the CERN Web: in theory, SuperKEKB, International Women’s Day and more  
Computer Security: better code, fewer problems  
Ombud’s Corner: that’s not what I meant…  
Jean-Claude Brunet (1941 - 2016)  

Training and Development

Technical training: RF superconductivity and accelerator cavity applications  


CERN internal communication is evolving  
New version of the “Working on the CERN site” document  
Closing of Route BLOCH  
Warning: safety risk with some Apple AC Wall Plug Adapters  
The CERN Accelerator School  
2016 Asia-Europe-Pacific School of High-Energy Physics  


CERN Library | Mario Campanelli presents "Inside CERN's Large Hadron Collider" | 16 March  
Collide@CERN: Horizons Irrésolus  

Staff Association

Problems afoot for the CERN kindergarten (EVEE)?  
General Assembly  
Registration Day-Camp 2016  
Martial Arts Club  
Cine club  
Yoga club  