

Problems afoot for the CERN kindergarten (EVEE)?

You might have noticed that recently the Kindergarten changed names, it’s is now known under the name of EVEE which stands for ‘Espace de Vie Enfantine et École’ and currently welcomes 150 children between 4 months and 6 years of age. >>

General Assembly

Mardi 5 avril à 11 h 00 BE Auditorium Meyrin (6-2-024) >>

Registration Day-Camp 2016

Registration for the CERN SA Day-camp are open for children from 4 to 6 years old From March 14 to 25 for children already enrolled in CERN SA EVE and School From April 4 to 15 for the children of CERN members of the personnel (MP) From April 18 for other children More information on the website: http://nurseryschool. >>


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Martial Arts Club

In September 2015 the Taekwondo section of the CERN Martial Arts Club has been deeply renovated. We improved the quality and quantity of the trainings: two courses per week are now held by a Taekwondo 5th dan master. >>

Cine club

Wednesday 16 March 2016 at 20:00 CERN Council Chamber The Tragedy of Man (Ember Tragédiája) Directed by Marcell Jankovics Hungary, 2011, 160 minutes The Tragedy of Man is a 2011 Hungarian animated drama film directed by Marcell Jankovics. >>

Yoga club

Les membres du Club de Yoga sont invités à l’'Assemblée générale du club qui se tiendra le  : Vendredi 18 mars à 13h00 dans la salle 13-3-005 (près de l’entrée B) L’ordre du jour est disponible sur le site du club: cern. >>


Le GAC organise chaque mois des permanences avec entretiens individuels. >>


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News Articles

Super and ferric: the first HL-LHC component is ready  
Power to the LHC  
LHC Report: Back in operation  
GOSH! A roadmap for open-source science hardware  
New CMS spokesperson: “An honour to be chosen to lead a spectacular collection of people”  
From the CERN Web: in theory, SuperKEKB, International Women’s Day and more  
Computer Security: better code, fewer problems  
Ombud’s Corner: that’s not what I meant…  
Jean-Claude Brunet (1941 - 2016)  

Official News

Taxation in France  
CERN Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS) – Reimbursement of contraception and sterilisation  
Taxation in Switzerland  

Training and Development

Technical training: RF superconductivity and accelerator cavity applications  


CERN internal communication is evolving  
New version of the “Working on the CERN site” document  
Closing of Route BLOCH  
Warning: safety risk with some Apple AC Wall Plug Adapters  
The CERN Accelerator School  
2016 Asia-Europe-Pacific School of High-Energy Physics  


CERN Library | Mario Campanelli presents "Inside CERN's Large Hadron Collider" | 16 March  
Collide@CERN: Horizons Irrésolus