CERN Accelerating science



 english | français

News Articles

ALICE at full power  
Physics comes to the stage  
Lift-off for World Year of Physics  
Fiftieth Anniversary at the summit  

Training and Development

Academic Training: Physics technologies in medicine  
Safety Training: Utilisation des E.P.I. contre les risques de chutes de hauteur  
Language Training: English  
Language Training: French  
Safety Training: Ergonomie - Sensibilisation à l'ergonomie bureautique  
Technical Training: Places available  

General Information

Restrictions on running IRC (Internet Relay Chat) at CERN  
Subject: Change of opening hours at the post office on the CERN Prévessin site  
Communication from La Poste  
Message from the Mail Office  
Housing Service: Receptions of the CERN and St.-Genis-Pouilly Hostels  
To all members of personnel in receipt of remuneration from CERN  
FOR INFORMATION: Université de Genève - Faculté des Sciences