CERN Accelerating science



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The Asian earthquakes detected in the ATLAS cavern

At the end of December, mysterious vibrations were picked up by the deformation sensors under the feet that are to support the ATLAS detector. It transpired that they had detected waves produced by the earthquakes responsible for the terrible tsunami in Asia. >>

Museum professionals meet at CERN

As part of the World Year of Physics, CERN organised a day of meetings attended by professionals from French and Swiss science museums. >>

Discovery Mondays - The detectors: tracking particles

How do you observe the invisible? In order to deepen still further our knowledge of the infinitely small, physicists accelerate beams of particles and generate collisions between them at extraordinary energies. >>

A boost to visits

As every year, the CERN Visits Service has paid tribute to its guides, all of whom are volunteers and devote some of their time to showing people around their Laboratory. >>

Official News

Standing Concertation Committee - Ordinary Meeting on 16 February 2005  

Training and Development

Academic Training: Technological challenges for LHC experiments, the CMS example  
Apprentissages techniques pour les professions d'électronicien(ne) et de laborantin(e) en physique - French version only  
Technical Training: Places available  
Technical Training: C++ for Particle Physicists  
Technical Training: AXEL-2005 - Introduction to Particle Accelerators  
Technical Training: Annonce de nouveau cours: Utilisation des fichiers PDF avec ACROBAT 6.0  
Safety Training: Utilisation des E.P.I. contre les risques de chutes de hauteur  
Language Training: English Courses  

General Information

Germany AT CERN  
CERN hearing day  
Blood donation  
Décès - French version only  
ACCU Meeting