CERN Accelerating science



 english | français

Academic Training: Technological challenges for LHC experiments, the CMS example


Apprentissages techniques pour les professions d'électronicien(ne) et de laborantin(e) en physique - French version only


Technical Training: Places available

The number of places available may vary. Please check our Web site to find out the current availability. >>

Technical Training: C++ for Particle Physicists

Please note that Paul Kunz will be giving his very popular and highly recommended C++ course again on 7-11 March. >>

Technical Training: AXEL-2005 - Introduction to Particle Accelerators

CERN Technical Training 2005: Learning for the LHC! >>

Technical Training: Annonce de nouveau cours: Utilisation des fichiers PDF avec ACROBAT 6.0

CERN Technical Training 2005: Learning for the LHC! >>

Safety Training: Utilisation des E.P.I. contre les risques de chutes de hauteur

Vos activités vous exposent à un risque de chutes de hauteur ? Pour vous prémunir contre ce risque, vous utilisez des Equipements de Protection Individuelle (E. >>

Language Training: English Courses

General and Professional English Courses >>

News Articles

The Asian earthquakes detected in the ATLAS cavern  
Museum professionals meet at CERN  
Discovery Mondays - The detectors: tracking particles  
A boost to visits  

Official News

Standing Concertation Committee - Ordinary Meeting on 16 February 2005  

General Information

Germany AT CERN  
CERN hearing day  
Blood donation  
Décès - French version only  
ACCU Meeting