News Articles
Official News
Staff Association
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Issue No. 10/2006 - Monday 6 March 2006
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From the Editorial Content Development Section
Section Développement de contenus éditoriaux
News Articles
The fine art of preparing a vacuum
Two ATLAS trackers become one
LHC Olympics flex physicists' brains
Take part in the CERN scientific adventure: come and explore the Globe!
1000th magnet delivered!
The potential of the quantum computer
Discovery Mondays - Mass: a question of weight?
Official News
2006 Guidelines for Advancement and Promotion
Modification to the MAPS interview process and electronic form
Pension Fund: Clarification
Training and Development
Academic Training - LHC luminosity upgrade: detector challenges
Language training: English & French courses
Technical Training: Places available
CERN Technical Training 2006: WBTechT offers online training
Technical Training Seminar: Physicists in the world of finance
Management & Communication Training