CERN Accelerating science



 english | français

Academic Training - LHC luminosity upgrade: detector challenges   >>

Language training: English & French courses

General and Professional English Courses The next session will take place from end of February to end of June 2006 (break at Easter). >>

Technical Training: Places available

Places available as of 7.2.2006 (February-May course sessions) >>

CERN Technical Training 2006: WBTechT offers online training

The 2006 CERN Web-Based Technical Training (WBTechT) portal is a computer-skills site offering multimedia learning. >>

Technical Training Seminar: Physicists in the world of finance

Monday 27 February TECHNICAL TRAINING SEMINAR from 14:00 to 16:00, Council Chamber (bldg. 503) >>

Management & Communication Training

Schedule of courses for March to June 2006 Please check our Web site to find out the number of places available, which may vary. >>

News Articles

The fine art of preparing a vacuum  
Two ATLAS trackers become one  
LHC Olympics flex physicists' brains  
Take part in the CERN scientific adventure: come and explore the Globe!  
1000th magnet delivered!  
The potential of the quantum computer  
Discovery Mondays - Mass: a question of weight?  

Official News

2006 Guidelines for Advancement and Promotion  
Modification to the MAPS interview process and electronic form  
Pension Fund: Clarification  

General Information

Temporary work for children of members of the personnel  
Radioactive sources service  
Work on the CERN telephone exchanges  
Blood donation  
In memoriam - French version only  
Université de Genève : Gamma-ray lines astronomy  
Memorandum from the Legal Service and the HR Department concerning the 2005 income tax declaration forms sent by the Geneva Tax Administration  
E-mail security: new restriction on attachments  
Smoking ban in all restaurants and cafeterias on the CERN site  
For Information: CERN-Fermilab2006 Hadron Collider Physics Summer School  
ACCU Meeting  
Safety Bulletin  
L'APPRENTISSAGE AU CERN pour la profession d'assistant(e) en information documentaire - French version only