CERN Accelerating science



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Members of the personnel shall be deemed to have taken note of the news under this heading. Reproduction of all or part of this information by persons or institutions external to the Organization requires the prior approval of the CERN Management.

The latest Official News articles appear below; for past articles, please see the Official News archive.

2006 Guidelines for Advancement and Promotion   >>

Modification to the MAPS interview process and electronic form

Based on the first year of experience with e-MAPS and the feedback from departmental users, a number of modifications to the MAPS interview process and form have been introduced for the 2006 exercise. >>

Pension Fund: Clarification

Following numerous calls from members of the personnel, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that, in the Rules and Regulations of the Pension Fund, including the recent amendments relating to family composition, the term 'beneficiary' refers to persons who are already in receipt of a pension from the Pension Fund. >>

News Articles

The fine art of preparing a vacuum  
Two ATLAS trackers become one  
LHC Olympics flex physicists' brains  
Take part in the CERN scientific adventure: come and explore the Globe!  
1000th magnet delivered!  
The potential of the quantum computer  
Discovery Mondays - Mass: a question of weight?  

Training and Development

Academic Training - LHC luminosity upgrade: detector challenges  
Language training: English & French courses  
Technical Training: Places available  
CERN Technical Training 2006: WBTechT offers online training  
Technical Training Seminar: Physicists in the world of finance  
Management & Communication Training  

General Information

Temporary work for children of members of the personnel  
Radioactive sources service  
Work on the CERN telephone exchanges  
Blood donation  
In memoriam - French version only  
Université de Genève : Gamma-ray lines astronomy  
Memorandum from the Legal Service and the HR Department concerning the 2005 income tax declaration forms sent by the Geneva Tax Administration  
E-mail security: new restriction on attachments  
Smoking ban in all restaurants and cafeterias on the CERN site  
For Information: CERN-Fermilab2006 Hadron Collider Physics Summer School  
ACCU Meeting  
Safety Bulletin  
L'APPRENTISSAGE AU CERN pour la profession d'assistant(e) en information documentaire - French version only