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Texas Instruments Technical Seminar: Power Management and Wireless

Monday 6 November TECHNICAL TRAINING SEMINAR 14:00 to 17:30 - Training Centre Auditorium (bldg. 593) Texas Instruments Technical Seminar: Power Management and Wireless Michael Scholtholt, Field Application Engineer / TEXAS INSTRUMENTS (US, D, CH) >>

Technical Training: Places available and full programme

The list of upcoming course sessions and places available in the Technical Training programme can be found on the CERN Training Website: >>

Language training

General and Professional English Courses The next session will take place from beginning of October 2006 to beginning of February 2007 (3 weeks break at Christmas). >>

News Articles

Blue skies for CLOUD  
A word from the DG: Improved safety at CERN  
The thousandth ALICE member  
A false explosion for a real intervention  
A New Superconducting Wire for Future Accelerators  
Discovery Mondays - 'The LHC: an accelerator of science'  
Events at the Globe of Science and Innovation  
Two Nobel Prize winners in two days  
Wolfgang Schnell (1929 - 2006)  

Official News

Annual general meeting of the pension fund  

General Information

Great Britain at CERN  
Information from the Users Office  
Notice of car park and road closures  
Flu Vaccination  
End of support for Windows 2000, Office 2000 and Office XP at CERN  
Upgrade of telephone exchange  
Décès - French version only  
Conférences extérieures - Université de Genève - French version only  

Staff Association

Other activities  
Club news and cultural activities  
Elections to Staff Council  
Five-Yearly Review: TREF avoids the worst!