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A magnet takes a nomadic journey to Japan

A CERN magnet originally built for the UA1 detector and later used by the NOMAD experiment has just set sail for a new life in Japan. Spotlight on an incredible voyage by land and sea. See the video at the end of the article! >>

Word from the CSO - CERN’s unique scientific breadth

Whilst we are all clearly focused on completion of the LHC and the detectors around it and look forward to a successful start of operations later this year, we should not forget that CERN has yet more to offer in addition to this highest priority programme ‘at the energy frontier’. >>

A fine pair of gifts for St Valentine’s Day

Like briefly separated twin sisters, ATLAS’s small wheels were once again united at the experiment’s surface building at Point 1 on St Valentine’s Day. The lowering of the small wheels into the tunnel will mark the end of the installation of detector components for the experiment. >>

2008 LHC Open Days: Super(-conducting) events and activities

Superconductivity will be one of the central themes of the programme of events and discovery activities of the forthcoming LHC Open Days on 5 and 6 April. >>

Official News

Governing Board of the Pension Fund  

Training and Development

General and Professional English Courses  
CERN Technical training 2008 - Learning for the LHC: Special workshop demonstrating reliability with accelerated testing  
CERN Technical Training: available Places in forthcoming Courses   

General Information

Closure of the Route de Meyrin as of 11 February 2008  
Compulsory registration of mail servers in order to accept e-mail from the Internet  
Note from the Goods Reception services  
Italy au CERN  
Seminar on setting up your own business  
Université de Genève  
ACCU meeting  

Staff Association

Other activities - French version only  
Social and cultural activities  
"Feeling at ease in one's mission as a delegate"  
A veritable defence strategy