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Other activities - French version only

GAC, special offers, Interfon... >>

Social and cultural activities

Mutual Aid Fund, Nursery School, Ciné club, Dancing club, Film-making club, Concert club, Artemusa... >>

"Feeling at ease in one's mission as a delegate"

The title may seem interesting and you are probably wondering what it is about. It is simply that the first training course for staff delegates has started with the declared aim of facilitating and making more effective communication with You. >>

A veritable defence strategy

Dans l’article « Un CERN hors la loi » dans le dernier numéro d’Écho de 2007 nous vous avons informés que dans le cadre d’une véritable stratégie de défense juridique nous avons introduit plusieurs requêtes au Tribunal administratif de l’Organisation internationale de Travail (TAOIT). >>

News Articles

A magnet takes a nomadic journey to Japan  
Word from the CSO - CERN’s unique scientific breadth  
A fine pair of gifts for St Valentine’s Day  
2008 LHC Open Days: Super(-conducting) events and activities  

Official News

Governing Board of the Pension Fund  

Training and Development

General and Professional English Courses  
CERN Technical training 2008 - Learning for the LHC: Special workshop demonstrating reliability with accelerated testing  
CERN Technical Training: available Places in forthcoming Courses   

General Information

Closure of the Route de Meyrin as of 11 February 2008  
Compulsory registration of mail servers in order to accept e-mail from the Internet  
Note from the Goods Reception services  
Italy au CERN  
Seminar on setting up your own business  
Université de Genève  
ACCU meeting