Messages de félicitations reçus par la Direction du CERN et le groupe Communication

Ci-dessous, une sélection de messages reçu des différents laboratoires et personnalités qui ont félicité le CERN.


Lancer de casquettes au Centre de contrôle du CERN pour les premiers faisceaux dans le LHC (vendredi 20 novembre 2009).

Je suis heureux d'adresser à l'équipe qui vient de mettre en marche le LHC les félicitations du dernier survivant des fondateurs du CERN.


Le Centre de contrôle du CERN durant les premiers instants du fonctionnement du LHC.

Dear Rolf,
from all your friends and colleagues at Fermilab: our heartiest congratulations on the first collisions at LHC!! We are delighted with the rapid progress.
 Pier Oddone, Directeur du FERMILAB.


As many thousand people all around the world, I have been following the LHC
being turned back on! It is really great to see the machine coming on so
smoothly up to now. I keep my fingers crossed and wish you all the best.
Please send my congratulations to all the people involved ( a huge task

Dear Rolf,
It is our great pleasure to hear that the commissioning of the LHC has re-started and the first collisions at the injection energy took place. On the occasion of my CERN visit last Tuesday, I visited the accelerator control room as well as the ATLAS control room. I was deeply impressed by the people there working hard towards the first collisions in the near future. I imagine that you have had a hard time after the incident last September. You and your colleagues have managed to recover the machine in a short period of time, implementing the much safer quench protection system. I have no doubt that your leadership has encouraged the people who were working hard for the recovery and consolidation of the LHC. We congratulate you and your staffs on the achievement and we wish you all the best as you take further steps towards the higher energy collisions, which the worldwide physics community is waiting for.
Atsuto Suzuki, Directeur général de KEK Japon

Lieber Herr Heuer,
ich freue mich sehr ueber den guten Start des LHC und gratuliere Ihnen
und dem ganzen CERN herzlich zu diesem wunderbaren Erfolg
Volker Soergel,
Professeur émérite à l'Université de Heidelberg,
ancien directeur de la recherche au CERN (1979-1981)

Lieber Herr Heuer
Ich freue mich mit Ihnen und allen Freunden des CERN über den heutigen denkwürdigen Tag, der in die Geschichte der Organisation eingehen wird. Herzliche Gratulation und für die kommenden Tage, Wochen und Monate weiterhin viel Glück und Erfolg!
Martin Steinacher, président du Comité des finances du CERN

Dear Rolf,
This sounds really great! Congratulations to you and to all CERN staff!
Looking forward to this formidable adventure,
Dear Steve,
Congratulations! We congratulate you on beams once again circulating in LHC. This is a milestone towards full success of the LHC. We are looking forward to hearing your further progress.

Chuang Zhang, Chef de projet,
Beijing Electron Positron Collider II

Dear Prof. Heuer,
Let me congratulate you and the team of scientists, engineers and technicians on recent successes in starting LHC with the proton beams colliding. We anxiously wait, as does the rest of the world, to learn more of your endeavours on this ongoing mega search for basic constituents of matter.
Dear Rolf,
Dear Thorsten,
Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to see this fantastic re-start of LHC. Congratulations to all who contributed, in particular to the CERN staff and management. In the name of the Polish HEP community.
Michal Turala, Académie des sciences de Pologne,
ancien chef de la Division ECP du CERN

Siete stati grandi!!!
My sincere congratulations,
Federico Ferrini, délégué italien du Comité des finances

Dear Professor Heuer,
We were very happy receiving you information that LHC is successfully
running again and realizing first collision data. Please accept our
congratulation together with your staff.
Dear Rolf Steve Sergio
Congrats so far - quite a day for the LHC - good luck. I have neighbours
who are twittering and they said to pass on their encouragement and
excitement. So good luck ........ from many
John Dainton, directeur fondateur et chef scientifique,
Crockcoft Institute


Hi James,
I would like to congratulate you and your team for the fine way you are handling the present public and press relations. I am full of admiration.
But have you ever thought of using the fact that yesterday's collisions were already the highest energy p-p collisions ever observed at a collider? I am of course referring to the fact that all comparable colliders are studying proton-antiproton collisions! While it may be obvious to particle physicists that that is rigorously the same thing, I cannot believe that the general public understand it like that. In addition, I have always felt that more credit should be given to CERN for the fact that the LHC consists of TWO 27 km rings far harder to get working than a single ring!!!!
Keep up the good work.
Keith Potter
École de physique et d'astronomie,
The University of Manchester

Dear Professor Heuer
I write on behalf of the Council of the STFC to congratulate you and your colleagues on the recent LHC start-up. Getting collisions at injection energy a mere three days after first circulating a beam is a magnificent achievement, and a remarkable testament to the skill and dedication of the many scientists and engineers working on the LHC machine and on the experiments. The delay of 14 months after the major incident last year will of course have been frustrating and even worrying, but the time has clearly been well spent in repairing and understanding the machine and tuning the
detectors. STFC is proud to be supporting this great scientific endeavour, and we look forward to a rich harvest of great physics in the years to come. Once again, my warmest congratulations to you, your co[leagues and CERN.

Michael Sterling, président du Conseil de STFC

par CERN Bulletin