CAS Accelerator Physics (RF for Accelerators) in Denmark
The CERN Accelerator School (CAS) and Aarhus University jointly organised a specialised course on RF for Accelerators, at the Ebeltoft Strand Hotel, Denmark from 8 to 17 June 2010.
The challenging programme focused on the introduction of the underlying theory, the study and the performance of the different components involved in RF systems, the RF gymnastics and RF measurements and diagnostics. This academic part was completed with three afternoons dedicated to practical hands-on exercises sessions.
The school was very successful with 100 participants representing 25 nationalities. Feedback from the participants was extremely positive, praising the expertise and enthusiasm of the lecturers, as well as the high standard and excellent quality of their lectures.
In addition to the academic programme, the participants were able to visit a small industrial exhibition organised by Aarhus University and take part in a one-day excursion consisting of a visit of the accelerators operated at the Aarhus university and a boat trip on the Silkeborg Lakes ending with a walk to the peak of the Sky Mountain.
The next specialised CAS course will be on “High Power Hadron Machines” and will take place in Bilbao, Spain in the spring of 2011. Information will shortly be available on the CAS web site.
par Barbara Strasser