
The TOTEM experiment at the LHC has just confirmed that, at high energy, protons behave as if they were becoming larger. In more technical terms, their total cross-section – a parameter linked to the proton-proton interaction probability – increases with energy. This phenomenon, expected from previous measurements performed at much lower energy, has now been confirmed for the first time at the LHC’s unprecedented energy.
A recurring theme at last week's Council meetings was the request I received to pass on Council’s heartfelt thanks to all the CERN community for the successful period we are currently enjoying, and it is my pleasure to do so. Council's request also serves as a timely reminder that CERN is more than the LHC, and the LHC is more than the machine and its four big experiments.

After careful validation of new machine settings, the LHC was ready for higher luminosity operation. New luminosity records have been set, but the operations team continues to wrestle with machine availability issues.
A joint meeting of ULICE, ENLIGHT and PARTNER recently took place in Marburg (Germany). The three initiatives are shaping both the present and the future of hadron therapy in Europe, where new cutting-edge facilities have started to fight cancer with beams of protons and carbon ions.
Have you noticed that Building 135 has disappeared from the Meyrin site? The old hangar used by the transport service – now located on the Prévessin site – has been removed to make room for the civil engineering work for the High Intensity and Energy ISOLDE (HIE-ISOLDE) installations. The work began at the end of August and it will not be long before new buildings start to appear in the ISOLDE premises.
In the October issue of the CERN Courier, Fermilab Director Pier Oddone will present the past, present and future of the US laboratory after the Tevatron. The Bulletin presents some early extracts from his article…
On 13 September, physicists from around the world joined John Ellis in a colloquium to celebrate his 65th birthday. In our last issue, we talked to John about the Higgs, the lack of the Higgs and extra dimensions. In this second part of the interview, John speaks about the colloquium and the wide range of topics it covered, all inspired by his career.
When 16-year-old Marcus was diagnosed with a brain tumour in September 2010, he asked the Make-A-Wish Foundation for one rather unusual thing: to see the LHC. On 23 August, CERN got together with the Foundation to make that wish come true.
On Tuesday 13 September, former Secretary-General of the United Nations and Nobel Peace Laureate Kofi Annan paid a visit to CERN.
Can the increasing global energy consumption be met without intensifying global warming? Do the necessary technical solutions exist, and is the switch to a low-carbon energy supply feasible and financially viable? These crucial questions and many others were dealt with at the 2011World Engineer’s Convention (WEC). CERN was invited to participate in the event, highlighting its significant contribution to global engineering with an exhibition space devoted to the LHC on the convention floor and a keynote speech delivered by CERN’s Director-General.
During the 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference, CERN’s Rogelio Tomás García became the first Spaniard to receive the Frank Sacherer Prize for his work in particle beam optics.
In September 2011, CERN hosted Brazilian astrophysicist, Luciana da Cunha Ferreira, in a weeklong teacher-training programme. Luciana was the first indigenous person from the Amazon region to visit CERN, and plans to share her new-found knowledge of the LHC with other indigenous people on her return to Brazil.
On Thursday 15 September, a dozen storks spent the night on the roof of CERN's Building 60...
The CERN Accelerator School (CAS) and ESS-Bilbao jointly organised a specialised course on High-Power Hadron Machines, held at the Hotel Barceló Nervión in Bilbao, Spain, from 24 May to 2 June, 2011.
EPL publishes its first paper from the LHC
“Cloud computing” --- the term is as nebulous as real clouds.
The CERN Library has just acquired the online archives of the Physics journals published by Taylor & Francis.