
Members of the personnel shall be deemed to have taken note of the news under this heading. Reproduction of all or part of this information by persons or institutions external to the Organization requires the prior approval of the CERN Management.

The latest Official News articles appear below; for past articles, please see the Official News archive.

Administrative circular No. 2 (Rev. 5) – Recruitment, appointment and possible developments regarding the contractual position of staff members

Administrative Circular No. 2 (Rev. 5) entitled "Recruitment, appointment and possible developments regarding the contractual position of staff members", approved by the Director-General following... >>

Operational circular No. 9 – Principles and procedures governing complaints of harassment

Operational Circular No. 9 entitled "Principles and Procedures Governing Complaints of Harassment", approved by the Director-General following discussion in the Standing Concertation Committee... >>

Education fees: Indexation of the amounts for accommodation, meals and school transport for the 2011-2012 academic year

At its meeting on 1 September 2011, the Standing Concertation Committee approved the calculated indexation of the amounts for accommodation, meals and school transport for the 2011-2012 academic year. >>

Reminder - Extension/suppression of allowance for dependent children aged 20 to 25

Members of the personnel with dependent children aged 20 to 25 (or reaching 20 during the 2011/2012 school year), for whom an allowance for dependent children is currently paid, are invited to provide the Education Fees Service with a: >>

News Articles

Upstream from OPERA: extreme attention to detail  
Science driving facilities for particle physics  
LHC Report: Steady as she goes  
No mission is impossible for LHCb  
Touching base with OPERA  
Let the flowers grow…  
“Light” might be the answer  
CERN School of Physics travels to Romania  
Luis Álvarez-Gaumé to speak at El Ser Creativo 2011  
At the heart of CERN for one night  
Coming soon to a planetarium near you  
Indian President visits CERN  
A chat with James Watson  
An exact "Tour de France" passes through CERN  
Pauline Gagnon's Blog: Did we build the LHC just to find the Higgs?  
Security Bingo  
HSE Advice  

Training and Development

Safety Training: scheduled sessions in September and October 2011  


Announcement by the Logistics Service  
Changes to the shuttle circuits  
Blood donation  
Exhibition - Mathematics, A Beautiful Elsewhere  
Particle Physics Seminar: Towards 3+1 Neutrino Mixing  
Physics colloquium: Single-electron counting in quantum metrology and in statistical mechanics   
The CERN branch of the UBS has a new manager  
Vaccination against seasonal influenza: a reminder  
Preparation for Retirement Seminar  


Italy at CERN  
100 years of superconductivity  
Two Nobel Prizes for five scientists – how superfluidity was discovered in a period of political upheaval  
Ecocar Expo: Une exposition grand public dédiée à la voiture écologique  
Superconductivity in all its states  
From light to knowledge  
John Adams Lecture: LHC – Bold Beginning  

Staff Association

Elections in November  
2011 Elections to Staff Council  
Scuba Club  
Pétanque Club  
Yachting Club  
2001-2011 : une décennie pour la Fontaine Solaire au CERN !  
Special Offers  