

To be or not to be? That is the question, and we’re getting closer to an answer

One subject dominated discussions at the CERN Council meetings this week: anticipation of news about the on-going search for the Higgs boson by the ATLAS and CMS experiments. The LHC has continued to perform impressively in 2012, raising expectations that sufficient data may have been accumulated for a discovery. Before going on, let me say very clearly that on that point, we’ll have to be patient for a little bit longer. >>

CERN’s neutrons fly higher

The construction of a second experimental area for n_TOF – CERN’s neutron source – has just been approved by the CERN Council. The new facility will provide the scientific community with a higher neutron flux, which translates into a higher sensitivity for the experiments. The new neutron beam line will open the way to a wider variety of research fields including nuclear energy applications, nuclear astrophysics, basic nuclear physics, dosimetry and radiation damage. >>

LHC Report: Summer temperatures in the LHC

The LHC experiments have finished their data-taking period before the summer conferences. The machine has already delivered substantially more collisions to the experiments this year than in the whole of 2011. The LHC has now started a six-day Machine Development period, which will be followed by the second Technical Stop of the year. >>

ELENA’s International Collaboration is born

On 13 June, ten institutes signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the construction of the Extra Low ENergy Antiproton ring (ELENA). Allowing the further deceleration of antiprotons from the Antimatter Decelerator, ELENA will significantly increase the number of particles trapped downstream in the experimental set-ups. This will give an important boost to antimatter research in the years to come. >>

Celebrating the Tevatron legacy

Fermilab hosted an exceptional event on 11 June: the Tevatron Impact symposium. More than 800 people attended to hear how the Tevatron advanced our understanding of fundamental physics. >>

Sustainability debate at the Globe

Eco-neighbourhoods, solar panels, recycled heat: these were just some of the innovative ecological projects presented at the panel discussion organised by the Commune of Meyrin at the Globe on Thursday 21 June. CERN is closely involved with several of the projects. >>

Use a defibrillator, save a life

With the work for Long Shutdown 1 looming on the horizon, the CERN Fire Brigade is anticipating a heavy workload: more people working at CERN means more call-outs. So the more trained first-aiders around to help out before the paramedics arrive, the better. Would you know what to do in a medical emergency? >>

One-day live webcast of the TEDGlobal 2012 Conference

We would like to invite you to a one-day live webcast of the TEDGlobal 2012 Conference. TED is a nonprofit organisation devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. The two annual TED conferences, in Long Beach/Palm Springs and Edinburgh, Scotland, bring together the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives (in 18 minutes or less). >>

Dancing to the beat of science

Three Strangels migrating to another dimension came to rest in the CERN Library at lunchtime on Friday 8 June: the first of choreographer-in-residence Gilles Jobin’s artistic interventions. >>

The rewards of road safety

In May, the HSE Unit launched a cycling safety campaign at CERN over three days during which members of the Unit and representatives of the Swiss Office for Accident Prevention and the Touring Club Suisse reminded people of the basic safety rules to which they should adhere when riding a bike. A competition was held to encourage people to be self-critical and to highlight best practice.  >>

Smartphone lost - Privacy gone

Who doesn't own an iPhone, Android or Blackberry mobile phone today? Lucky you if you don’t! In previous issues (Issue 06/07, 2012 and Issue 32/33/34, 2011) we have pointed out their lack of security. But what happens if you lose your smartphone or it gets stolen? >>

News from the Library: CERN Library and Collide@CERN present media artist Nataša Teofilović

The Serbian media artist Nataša Teofilović creates virtual characters which are living art works, often employing animation techniques. She won an honorary mention for her work in the first Prix Ars Electronica Collide@CERN competition for her outstanding digital works which cross the boundaries between virtual and real spaces.  As part of her prize, Arts@CERN offered Nataša the opportunity for a two-day visit to CERN, which is being funded by a Swedish foundation travel grant. >>

Dieter Möhl (1936–2012)

It is with great emotion and deep sadness that we learnt of the loss of our colleague and friend Dieter Möhl on 24 May. An accelerator physicist of world reputation, he made essential contributions to many projects at CERN and around the world. Here at CERN his name will remain forever linked with the success of the antiproton programme from its very beginning, but he also made substantial contributions to the FAIR project in Germany and to many other storage rings where beam cooling was an essential ingredient. His theoretical work was unique for the understanding, improvement and extension of beam cooling techniques to many accelerators and storage rings. >>

Jean-Paul Diss (1928-2012)

We were greatly saddened to learn of the sudden death of Dr Jean-Paul Diss at his home on 7 June 2012. >>

Official News

Forthcoming indefinite contract review procedure  
Important information for drivers in France  
Next HR Department Public meeting  

Training and Development

Safety Training: places available in June  
Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme: Superconducting Magnets with HTS  
Summer Oral Expression English course  


Keeping you safe by making machine tools safe  
Post office - on the Prévessin site  


25 years of the Conseil du Léman  
Light and collisions: Julius von Bismark presents an update on his work after his CERN Residency  

Staff Association

Does our Pension Fund take too many risks?  
An unsatisfactory contract policy  
Table Tennis Club  
Yoga Club  
Yachting Club  
Orienteering Club  
Cricket Club  
Rugby Club  
Fitness Club  