CERN Accelerating science




Does our Pension Fund take too many risks?

An article in the Tribune de Genève of 22 June entitled “CERN: the Pension Fund takes risks” expressed the “astonishment” of some Swiss experts regarding the CERN Pension... >>

An unsatisfactory contract policy

For the last 15 years contract policy has been one of the top priorities of CERN staff, as expressed in successive surveys initiated by the Staff Association. >>


Hommage à l’ami Jean-Paul >>

Table Tennis Club

The CERN Table Tennis club and the Meyrin CTT are organizing two Table Tennis workshops from 2 to 6 July and from 20 to 24 August 2012 inclusive in Meyrin. >>

Yoga Club

Travail dynamique du dos, du ventre, des fessiers et deux ceintures. >>

Yachting Club

Under a cloudless sky, the YCC ran its traditional Traversée du Lac for dinghies and catamarans last Sunday. >>

Orienteering Club

 Finale de la coupe de printemps   La dernière course d’orientation comptant pour la Coupe de printemps a eu lieu samedi dernier dans le village des Rousses et vers le Fort. >>

Cricket Club

CERN CC v Uprising CC at CERN on Sunday 17th June 2012 CERN played Uprising CC in a SCA league match on a hot and humid afternoon, with temperatures more than double those for the previous game. >>


Thursday 28 June 2012 at 20:00 CERN Council Chamber Monty Python’s Life of Brian By Terry Jones (UK, 1979) With: Graham Chapman, Terence Bayler, Charles McKeown, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Michael Palin Original version English; French subtitles; 94 minutes. >>

Rugby Club

CERN Wildcats (Women Rugby Team),  Season_2011-2012_act_II   After a booming start of season, the reputed Wildcats team (women team of the RC CMSG) went all around Switzerland to play their away games for the second part of the championship, Basel, Berne, Lucerne and Zurich. >>

Fitness Club

Get in Shape for Summer with the CERN Fitness Club >>


... >>


Prices Spring and Summer 2012 >>


Nouveau partenaire« GALERIE 337 » SHOW-ROOM  sur rendez-vous : 337, route du nant – 01280 – PREVESSIN Mr Lefrançois Jérôme / info@espacecartes. >>

News Articles

To be or not to be? That is the question, and we’re getting closer to an answer  
CERN’s neutrons fly higher  
LHC Report: Summer temperatures in the LHC  
ELENA’s International Collaboration is born  
Celebrating the Tevatron legacy  
Sustainability debate at the Globe  
Use a defibrillator, save a life  
One-day live webcast of the TEDGlobal 2012 Conference  
Dancing to the beat of science  
The rewards of road safety  
Smartphone lost - Privacy gone  
News from the Library: CERN Library and Collide@CERN present media artist Nataša Teofilović  
Dieter Möhl (1936–2012)  
Jean-Paul Diss (1928-2012)  

Official News

Forthcoming indefinite contract review procedure  
Important information for drivers in France  
Next HR Department Public meeting  

Training and Development

Safety Training: places available in June  
Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme: Superconducting Magnets with HTS  
Summer Oral Expression English course  


Keeping you safe by making machine tools safe  
Post office - on the Prévessin site  


25 years of the Conseil du Léman  
Light and collisions: Julius von Bismark presents an update on his work after his CERN Residency