Celebration for the ATLAS Barrel Toroid magnet
A celebration took place at Point 1 on 13 December to toast the recent powering-up of the ATLAS barrel toroid magnet to full field (Bulletin No. 47-48/06). About 70 guests were invited to attend, mainly composed of representatives from funding partners and key members of the laboratory management teams of the barrel toroid magnet, representing CEA France, INFN Italy, BMBF Germany, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Russia, JINR Dubna and CERN. An introductory speech by ATLAS spokesperson Peter Jenni the scene for evening. This was followed by the ATLAS magnet system project leader Herman Ten Kate's account of the construction of the largest superconducting magnet ever built. The Director-General Robert Aymar gave the final speech to summarise and congratulate all those who have helped to make the project a success. Visits of the ATLAS experimental cavern were also arranged for guests to view the progress of the detector.