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ATLAS detector records its first curved muon

The barrel muon spectrometer of the ATLAS detector has acquired its first cosmic event in a magnetic field produced by the barrel toroid magnet. This was an important test of the chambers in their final configurations, and marked the first triggering and measurement of curved cosmic ray muons in ATLAS. >>

Torsten Åkesson takes over as President of the CERN Council

At the end of the Council's December session, Enzo Iarocci handed over the reins of the Presidency to Torsten Åkesson. >>

Nouvelle cuisine

Diners at CERN's Restaurant No. 1 have been adjusting to some temporary arrangements while building work takes place in the main service area. The essential renovation will bring many improvements in the near future. >>

Celebration for the ATLAS Barrel Toroid magnet

A celebration took place at Point 1 on 13 December to toast the recent powering-up of the ATLAS barrel toroid magnet to full field (Bulletin No. >>

Access to IEEE Electronic Library

From 2007, the CERN Library now offers readers online access to the complete IEEE Electronic Library (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). >>

Emilio Zavattini - 1927-2007

Emilio Zavattini, one of the pioneers of physics at CERN and one of its most engaging personalities, passed away on 9 January. >>

Official News

Salary adjustments and changes to the Staff Rules & Regulations  
Official holidays in 2007 and end-of-year closure 2007/2008  
Pension Fund  

Training and Development

Academic Training: String Theory for Pedestrians  
French training  

General Information

Temporary closure of Entrance A  
Geneva University - Superconducting flux quantum bits: fabricated quantum objects  
To all members of personnel in receipt of remuneration from CERN  
LHC Cooldown, sector 7-8 closed  
Limitation of Electrical Power in January  
2nd CERN-Fermilab Hadron Collider Physics Summer School, June 6-15, 2007, CERN  
L'APPRENTISSAGE AU CERN pour la profession d'assistant(e) en information documentaire - French version only  
Bulletin publication 2007