LC to IC – Publication of posts: Following the publication of new LD to IC posts, we regret that a large number of post descriptions are not available in both CERN official languages, English and French.
jeudi 29 avril 2009 à 20 h 30 à l’Amphithéâtre principal du CERN (bâtiment 500) The Cove - La baie de la honte de/by: Louie Psyhoyos (USA, 2009) 92 min.
The club is looking for new members. Why not try a new sport this summer? Croquet is a game of skill, where accuracy and tactics are equally important.
Bric-a-brac and second-hand book sale Tuesday 27th April 2010 from 09:00 until 14:00 Building 504 (Restaurant 2) All proceeds from the sale will be given to the charity SOS Enfants des Rues du Vietnam...
The start of the Cricket season is upon us! Net practice takes place each Thursday evening from 15 April onwards, at the CERN Prévessin site, starting at 18:00 (http://cern.