

Academic Training: An Introduction to the Standard Theory of Electroweak Interactions

27, 28 and 29 April 2011 >>

General and Professional French Courses

The next session will take place from 26 April to 1 July 2011. These courses are open to all persons working on the CERN site, and to their spouses. >>

Safety Training: scheduled sessions in April

The following training courses are scheduled in April. You can find the full Safety Training programme on the Safety Training online catalogue. >>

News Articles

LHCf sheds new light on cosmic rays  
Setting visible footprints for peace  
LHC Report: spring cleaning over, bunches of luminosity  
Cornavin station to CERN non-stop in 20 minutes  
AMS ready for launch  
New spokesperson for the LHCb collaboration  
ISOLDE gets a new laser system  
High-energy physics, the South American way  
It's all change at the Computer Centre  
Workplace safety: Let’s ask the right questions  
Mini researchers for massive experiments  
CERN’s travelling exhibition goes to Austria  
News from the Library: E-book or printed book? You can have the best of both worlds!  

Official News

Taxation in France  
Tax declaration: for the attention of members of the personnel and pensioners living in France  
New set of Chemical Safety rules  


Encryption is Useless!?  
One week left for register to the 2011 CERN School of Computing - Deadline 3 May!  
Communication from the Radioactive Shipping Service  
CERN Relay Race  
Film Presentation: CERN or the Factory for the Absolute by Jan Sacher (2010)  
CERN restaurant opening times during the Easter weekend  
Dutch School in Geneva  
Communication from the Radioactive Waste Service  

Staff Association

From discussion to dismay  
Relay race  
Orienteering club  
Special offer  