Geneva University: New frontiers on photodetection

Ecole de physique
Département de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire
24, quai Ernest-Ansermet
1211 Genève 4
Tél.: (022) 379 62 73
Fax: (022) 379 69 92


Vendredi 17 février 2012
14h00 - Auditoire Stückelberg

New frontiers on photodetection
Dr Carla Aramo / INFN, Sezione di Napoli

In the last years the use of new materials and new technologies opened the door to new kind of devices based on the coupling of well known properties of silicon with properties of other materials. In particular carbon material, in the form of carbon nanotubes, has been used to create heterojunction with interesting photoconductivity characteristics. The new photodetectors obtained show to have peculiar and interesting characteristics with quantum efficiency ranging from >35% to >15% in the investigated wavelength interval from near infrared to near ultraviolet region. The device characteristics, the silicon-carbon nanotubes heterojunction and some future improvements towards single photon detection, medical imaging and nano-opto-electronics will be briefly illustrated.


ORGANISATEUR: Mrs Gabriella Pasztor

by Université de Genève