

CinéGlobe presents: "One Day on Earth"

The CinéGlobe International Film Festival is proud to announce that it will be hosting the Swiss edition of the Global Screening of “One Day on Earth”, the first film to be shot and then screened in every country in the world. >>

World Day for Safety and Health at Work

27 April is World Day for Safety and Health at Work. >>

Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme

AMS_02 Particle Physics Detector Technologies Orbiting the Earth (1/2), by Corrado Gargiulo (CERN). >>

News Articles

Sweden to host a new neutron source  
CERN on show  
LHC Report: Intensity ramp-up  
Optimizing accelerator technology  
Virtual visits and Hangouts – how cool is CERN…  
Beware, after the 11th time you might be addicted!  
Ombudspersons gather at CERN  
CERN hosts Physics and Society Forum  
Gnome-trotting at CERN  
Data Protection for All  
News from the Library: You need never be lost for words again - Oxford Reference Online and Oxford Dictionaries Pro  

Training and Development

French courses  
Safety Training: places available in April  
New refresher training in the use of self-rescue masks  


Help the planet by sorting your waste!  
New arrivals  
AMFIE Information meetings  

Staff Association

Assemblée générale  
Public meetings  
Club Pétanque  
Cricket Club  
Course d'Orientation  
Women's Club  
ConCERNed for Humanity and Cine Club  
Canoë-Kayak Club  
Dancing Club  
Yoga Club  