

Stress and back pain: who can escape?

On 28 April each year, the International Labour Organization and the World Health Organization organise a World Day for Safety and Health at Work. >>

Frank Close presents his book "Neutrino" and a forthcoming book on Bruno Pontecorvo

Frank Close's book "Neutrino" is short listed for the Italian Galileo Prize. Frank describes how he was inspired to write about Ray Davis' heroic quest to do what many thought was impossible: detecting neutrinos from the sun. He will also describe how he has, in turn, become fascinated by the life and work of "Mr Neutrino" - Bruno Pontecorvo - and is writing a biography of him. >>

Physics Colloquium | 15 April

From multiferroic oxides to cosmology with electronic structure calculations, Professeur Nicola Spaldin, Materials Theory, ETH Zürich. >>

Talk | Physical preparation before a sports competition | 16 April

In the run-up to the annual CERN Relay Race and as part of the Move! Eat better campaign, the Medical Service is organising a talk on physical preparation before a sports competition or before the start of a sporting season. >>

News Articles

The LHC at level best  
A bountiful spring harvest  
LS1 Report: across the accelerator complex  
Modernisation of the CERN operational dosimetery system  
VIP access for Very Important Particles  
4 months in 1 minute  
The Passport to the Big Bang: a trail of discovery of CERN and its sites  
September 2013: the doors open  
Marking over 50 years of Franco-German understanding  
The Staff Association: because you’re worth it  
CERN–Latin-American School of High-Energy Physics in Peru  
New arrivals  
Spring report of the Pension Fund  
Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi (1932 - 2013)  

Training and Development

Technical training: places available  
Management and communication courses – Places available  
Self-Rescue Mask Training  
French courses  
Safety Training: places available in April 2013  


Have you seen an A3 white artists folder containing an original storyboard?  
CERN-Fermilab Hadron Collider Physics Summer School 2013 open for applications  
CERN Library and Art@CMS present Artist and Painter Xavier Cortada and CMS Physicist Pete Markowitz  
Catalysed fusion: a very different book about CERN  
Move! Eat better: Do you walk more than 10,000 steps a day?  
Prévessin site – Pedestrian and cycle entrances  
The 36th CERN School of Computing visits Cyprus: Apply now!  

Staff Association

The Staff Association and you  
CERN Choir  
Dancing Club  