CHIS – Letter from French health insurance authorities "Assurance Maladie" and “frontalier” status
Certain members of the personnel residing in France have recently received a letter, addressed to themselves and/or their spouse, from the French health insurance authorities (Assurance Maladie) on the subject of changes in the health insurance coverage of “frontalier” workers.
It should be recalled that employed members of personnel (MPE) are not affected by the changes made by the French authorities to the frontalier workers' "right to choose" (droit d'option) in matters of health insurance (see the CHIS website for more details), which took effect as of 1 June 2014, as they are not considered to be frontalier workers. Associated members of the personnel (MPA) are not affected either, unless they live in France and are employed by a Swiss institute.
For the small number of MPAs in the latter category who might be affected, as well as for family members who do have frontalier status, CERN is still in discussion with the authorities of the two Host States regarding the health insurance coverage applicable to them.
We hope to receive more information in the coming weeks and will keep you informed via the CHIS web site and the CERN Bulletin.
HR Department